
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Genius casting....James Bond

I think it was pure genius when they cast Judi Dench as M in the latest bunch of James Bond movies. I think having a female M makes a great contrast to Bond and Judi plays the role brilliantly.

Daniel Craig as Bond was also a genius piece of casting. He can play debonair, but I think he really excels as the rough and ready, action man Bond and I love it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

LGBT flag waving: Frequency a KV Works production

The folks over at Kessler Velasquez Works are still in production of their awesome project Frequency.

With just over 30 hours left on their funding campaign on they have a little way to go to meet their target. So if you have some spare change I recommend you head on over and make a contribution - lets help out members of our LGBT community.

KV Works on Facebook

KV Works Twitter

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard

I recently watched the film "The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard" (TUWOPS) a movie by writer/director Jeremy Lalonde.

From the films IMDB page:
A documentary filmmaker turns the camera on himself to examine the modern day relationship using his own past relationships to guide him. As filming progresses his producer starts to question how much is fact and how much is fiction.
The film stars Kris Holden-Ried, Mary Krohnert, Christine Horne, Alex Poch-Goldin, Zoie Palmer, Tricia Braun and Pat Mastroianni.

I only knew the basics about this film before watching it, so I didn't really have any expectations. I found it well written and the whole cast were excellent. It's funny (Zoie Palmers character Haley's "job" had me laughing so much I had to pause the film) and well paced - definitely worth seeing.

Jeremy is currently working on his next film "Sex After Kids" which if TUWOPS is any indication, will be another great film.

Check out the films official website here.
Follow the movie on twitter.
Follow writer/director Jeremy Lalonde on twitter.

Friday, October 12, 2012

TV: Continuum

So I have a new love in my life.

Yes, that's right I've fallen in love with yet another TV show - Continuum. It's a Canadian show starring Rachel Nichols, Victor Webster, Erik Knudsen and a whole heap of other talented folk.

From the shows official site:

Continuum is a one-hour police drama centered on Kiera Cameron, a regular cop from 65 years in the future who finds herself trapped in present day Vancouver. She is alone, a stranger in a strange land, and has eight of the most ruthless criminals from the future, known as Liber8, loose in the city.
Season 1 has a total of 10 episodes and lucky for all those that love the show, it's just been renewed for a second season.

The writing's good, the acting is awesome and the special effects are wiz bang brilliant.

Find out more information about the show here:

Official web site
Official Facebook page
Official Twitter account

Oh, by the way you guys HAVE to follow the lovely Rachel Nichols on Twitter - @RachelNichols1 - because she is fiesty, funny and at times, just a little bit silly.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

LGBT flag waving: Kessler Velasquez Works movie makers

I'm all for showing support to the LGBT community, especially to talented types.

Piper Kessler and her partner are Kessler Velasquez Works. They are currently working on a feature film called Frequency - a Sci Fi film where lesbians are front and centre.

The story: In the world of "Frequency", individuals have the ability to “tune in” to a frequency, gaining them different skills. Most importantly, the girl gets the girl.
To help make the film they are running a funding campaign over at

I recommend heading over and checking it out and while you're there, open up your wallets and help them out to reach their target.

You can also find them here:




Thursday, September 13, 2012

TV: Lip Service Season 2

I recently purchased Season 2 of Lip Service on DVD, in high definition Bluray in fact.

I LOVE this show - as with season 1 the writing is superb and the acting amazing.

Thanks to the interwebs I already knew what happens during the season, but even with the spoilers I loved it.

I wasn't disappointed with the departure of Cat, I didn't like the character once she turned out to be a cheating ho!!

Heather Peace was really given material to sink her teeth into and she was brilliant. Plus Lexy, played by Anna Skellern was a great addition to the show.

I haven't heard if there is going to be a season 3 but I hope there is because it's great to have such a well made show that features the lgbt community.

Oh, by the way, Heather Peace and the rest of the lovely ladies in high definition - OMFG....

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lost Girl: Season 3 airing

As you all know by now, season 3 of Lost Girl won't begin airing in Canada until January 2013 - yes I know, a whole 5 months away!!

Now having to wait so long to see the new season is going to be torture and personally I think it sucks. To me Showcase are taking it for granted that we all love the show so much that we'll put up with any crap they want to hurl our way.

If it wasn't for the loyal fans that have been spreading the love online, making Facebook and Twitter light up like Christmas trees I don't think the show would be as big as it is.

Lost Girl fans are a loyal, vocal lot who have given the show more free publicity and hype than any other show I can think of. So come on Showcase and The Powers That Be show us a little love in return.

Since season 2 finished in March (in Canada) there has hardly been anything coming from the makers of the show to keep the buzz and interest alive - no teasers (1 spoiler about Linda Hamilton guest starring doesn't count), no new cast interviews, no new cast photo's, not even a decent update of the official web page....

I mean there is 10 months without any new episodes - 10 MONTHS. The very least they could do is create some new promotional material to keep that warm and fuzzy feeling alive....

If it wasn't for the cast making passing comments on Twitter and Facebook about the show, you wouldn't even know they were filming.

Just why they're making us wait so long I have no idea, but Showcase have blathered on about how it will be worth the wait....yeah pal, it better be.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lost Girl: Season 3

When I first found out that Lost Girl had been picked up for season three I was over the moon.

Then I found out that the season would only have 13 episodes and that bit of news pissed me off, I wanted 22 episodes damn it!!

But now that I've had time to think about it, I'm happy with 13 episodes.

I think in some ways giving a TV show 13 episodes for a season gives the creators/writers a large degree of freedom to create a damn good story.

While I do enjoy filler episodes if they are done well, a short season means that the arc for the season needs to be tight, there's no room for going off track. 

As a viewer this adds to my excitement as I know every single episode will be important. Each one will be a stepping stone towards the season finale and will advance the story and grow the characters.

So yes, 13 episodes will suit me just fine Lost Girl - just as long as there's plenty of Zoie Palmer's Doctor Lauren Lewis and a whole boat load of Doccubus....

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Questions for Actors/Actresses

When heterosexual actors/actresses play gay/lesbian roles that involve love scenes, they often get asked what's it like kissing someone from the same sex.

When gay/lesbian actors/actresses play heterosexual roles that involve love scenes, they never get asked what's it like kissing someone from the opposite sex.

I wonder why????

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I think my Gay is showing....

When someone asks me who my favourite actors are, I'm lucky if I can come up with a hand full of names.

But ask me who my favourite actresses are and I can fill a phone book.

I think my gay is showing....

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lip Service

I recently discovered the British television series Lip Service. It focuses on a group of lesbians living in Glasgow, Scotland.

I brought Season 1 on DVD a couple of weeks ago and have already watched it twice.

The writing is superb and the acting is top notch. The cast includes Fiona Button, Emun Elliott, Laura Fraser, Ruta Gedmintas, Cush Jumbo, Natasha O'Keeffe, Heather Peace, James Anthony Pearson and Anna Skellern.

By far my favourite character is Sam Murray who is played by the lovely Heather Peace.

There may even be some fan fiction some time in the future.

You should check it out, you won't be sorry....

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Expensive at Half the Price (NR-17)

This is the first fan fiction I ever wrote, it's also the longest story I have ever written.  From memory I started writing it in about 2003.  It is currently incomplete and I've decided NOT to finish it.

Pairing:  Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay.
Summary:  This starts during Season 6, a few weeks after Willow has hurt Dawn in the car accident while driving under the influence.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was created by Josh Whedon and is Copyright © Mutant Enemy Productions and 20th Century Fox.

* * * *

Willow is in the kitchen fixing herself some lunch.

Today is a good day. Even though Dawn hasn’t said more than two words to me since the accident and Buffy isn’t much better, today is a good day. No uncontrollable shaking and hey look at me I am actually downstairs in the kitchen making food. The mere fact that the idea of eating something doesn’t make me want to puke makes this a super duper good day.

She is pulled from her thoughts by Buffy, who has been standing in the doorway watching her friend for the last five minutes “hey Will, good to see you up.”

Willow jumps at the sudden noise and turns to face Buffy, “hey yourself, thought I was home alone.” The two friends look at each other for a few minutes lost in their own thoughts.

Finally Buffy breaks the silence “Will . .” ok Summers time for some tough love “. . you’ve been doing really well the last few days. You know we’ve talked about this before I want you to move out. Now would be a good time I think as you are much stronger.” Well that sounded a bit harsher than I planned but nothing I can do about it now.

Willow’s expression is unreadable while she digests this. Well so much for my good day, but hey can’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to be around some psycho magic addict either, especially one that tries to kill my sister.

Turning away from Buffy and back to her lunch Willow picks up her plate and heads towards her room. As she walks passed Buffy she answers in a small voice “sure Buffy, I’ll be out by Monday.”

Buffy brushes away silent tears as she watches Willow head up the stairs. God damn it. I’ll go after her and tell her not to go. No, no I can’t do that, no matter how much I love her I can’t have her here anymore. I can’t let her hurt Dawn again. If Buffy was completely honest with her self she would also have added that she couldn’t bare to watch her friend in so much pain.

With a sign Buffy grabs her coat and heads out the door. She has a Scooby meeting to get to at the magic box.

Writing fan fiction

Writing fan fiction is the adult version of playing with dolls….

Friday, April 27, 2012

Lost Girl season 3 - Bo’s “romantic choice”

So apparently in season 3 of Lost Girl, Bo makes a romantic choice. Well all I’ve got to say about that is, if that choice doesn’t involve Dr Lauren Lewis and a U-haul I’m going to be pissed.

Friday, April 20, 2012

CSI: Firsts - Their First Night Together (PG-13)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Sofia Curtis
Summary:  Sofia remembers their first night together.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

Life is good. Sara and I are spending almost all of our free time together, getting to know one another better.

While in some regards we are complete opposites, we also have a lot of things in common.

We are also getting good at reading each others moods. She can tell when I'm getting frustrated with a case and I can tell when she needs to step away from a case for awhile to clear her head.

When she first caught the Harris case, everything was normal but as the case has progressed I can tell that there is something very wrong.

She has been working even more overtime than usual and she has been a little distant with everyone, even me.

Tom Harris was murdered in front of his eight year old son, who so far, is too traumatised to give a statement. Even though the police found Anne Harris tied up in the couples living room, Sara is convinced that she killed her husband and tried to make it look like a home invasion.

With my shift finished for the day, I head over to the crime lab to pick Sara up for breakfast. Watching her go over some evidence in her favourite layout room, you don't have to be Einstein to see that she's out on her feet.

Closing the door behind me I join Sara at the table, “how about we pack this stuff up and go and get something to eat.”

She doesn't answer straight away, “no thanks, I'm close to finding something here.”

From the look of her, the only thing that Sara is about to do is collapse from exhaustion.

I reach over and take the file she is reading and flip it closed, waiting until she looks at me before I say anything more. “Baby, this can wait until you get something to eat and catch some sleep.”

She is about to protest, but I don't give her the chance, “come on Sar, you're no good to anyone when you're this exhausted. Come back with fresh eyes after you've rested a little.”

After a moments silence her shoulders slump and she nods her head. I think she realises that I’m not going to take no for an answer.

* * * *

After packing everything up and dropping it off at the evidence room, we pick up some food and head back to Sara's.

As we settle down on the couch, Sara picks at her food, obviously distracted. After a couple of failed attempts at starting a conversation, I decide to drop it for now.

I keep an eye on Sara as I continue eating. Apart from the occasional mouthful she hardly touches her food. Once I finish, I take all the containers into the kitchen. When I return to the couch Sara is staring off into space looking lost.

Gently taking Sara's hand I pull her to her feet. “Come on, it's time you got some sleep.”

I lead her to the bedroom and guide her to sit on the bed. Kneeling down I undo her boots, removing them along with her socks. When I look up at her, she reaches forward to cup my face in her hands. When she speaks her voice is barely above a whisper. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

My heart aches at how sad, how broken she looks. “Of course I will Sar.”

I help her take her pants off and as she gets into bed I strip down to my t-shirt and panties before joining her.

As I get comfortable on my back Sara snuggles into my side, laying her head on my chest. I run my hand through her hair before taking a long strand in my fingers and twirling it.

We lay in silence for a few minutes, the feel of her body against mine turning me on, even though I know this is not the time for my libido to take over.

Just as sleep begins to claim me Sara's body starts to tremble. I'm suddenly wide awake as she begins to talk. She begins with her childhood, they had once been happy she tells me, once upon a time. But then things changed. She doesn't hold back anything, she lays it all out for me, warts and all.

Outwardly I try not to react. I continue playing with her hair with one hand and with the other I reach for one of Sara's hands, the one playing with the hem of my t-shirt.

She lets me take it and I lift it so I can brush my lips against her knuckles before I interlace our fingers.

When Sara finally stops talking I don't know what to say. I move so that I'm laying on my side facing her. I wonder if she's ever told anybody as much as she's just told me, somehow I don't think so. She's sad and defeated and I realise that she is probably expecting me to get the hell out of here.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her so that our bodies are pressed together. Brushing my lips against hers I whisper to her, “thank you for trusting me with all of that Sar.”

I press my forehead against hers and hold her tight as I get a grip on my emotions. I am filled with even more love for her. She has gone through all of that and still turned out to be the amazing woman that she is.

In the pit of my stomach is a burning anger at those that have done those terrible things to her and I'm filled with a certainty that I will do anything to protect Sara, anything.

While I have been thinking things over Sara's body has relaxed against me as sleep has claimed her. This may not be the way I pictured our first night together to be, but in some bizarre way I wouldn't change it for the world.

The End.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Lost Girl - Stay (R)

Pairing:  Bo Dennis/Lauren Lewis.
Summary:  This is set during the Season 2 finale - 2.22 Flesh and Blood.
Lost Girl was created by Michelle Lovretta and is Copyright © Canwest Global and Prodigy Pictures.

* * * *

Walking into my bedroom I'm careful not to make too much noise. I can't help smiling as I look at the bed, Lauren is currently sound asleep taking up almost the entire space. It's amazing how much room such a small person can take up. I pull the chair over and sit down, getting comfortable.

Lauren worked so hard on getting the venom ready, worked herself to the point of exhaustion. So once everything was ready I convinced her to get some rest. That was twelve hours ago and she's been asleep every since.

She has obviously had a restless sleep as the covers are tangled around her legs. My eyes roam over her body, from her blue panties, over the sexy stretch of stomach that has been revealed due to her t-shirt riding up, continuing along the curve of her breasts to finally arrive at her face. In her relaxed state she is even more stunning than usual.

The sight of her sends the now familiar warmth throughout my body. The love I feel for her almost consuming me. My physical reaction to her making me bite my lip as I fight the temptation to touch her.

I know that while I am a succubus and I may not be able to be faithful to Lauren with my body, no one else will ever hold my heart, not even Dyson. I can no longer keep away from her so I strip down to my panties and bra. As gently as possible, I untangle the covers and spread them out, slipping beneath them next to her.

Just as I put my head on the pillow Lauren beings to stir. As her eyes flutter open, she stretches her body as I reach out and gently trace her jaw with my fingers. At the contact, she opens her eyes and her gaze meets mine. “Hi.”

Her eyes have me mesmerised, “hi yourself.”

The most beautiful smile appears on her face and I know I'm grinning back at her like an idiot, but I don't care. There are so many things I want to talk to her about, to tell her, but right now all I want is to be close to her.

“I hope you don't mind, I just wanted to be close.”

Her smile gets even wider and she bites her lip. It's almost impossible for me to ignore the bright glow as her arousal flares.

Instead of replying, Lauren wraps her arm around my waist and pulls me towards her until our bodies are pressed together. I gasp at the contact, desperately trying to rein in my desire. The first kiss is gentle, chaste, slowly building to something far more passionate.

We share several kisses before we both pull away, I rest my forehead against hers enjoying our closeness. My libido is raging as all my senses are filled with her. I want to make love to her, show her how I feel but deep down I know this isn't the time. Soon we will be involved in the fight of our lives and right now I just want to be with her. “I think we should both get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a big day.”

She leans in and our next kiss is filled with promises of more to come. “Will you stay with me?”

I don't even have to think about the answer. “For as long as you want me to.”

The End.

Monday, April 9, 2012

You are all amazing....

This hasn't got anything to do with fan fiction, but I just wanted to post it because I know what it's like to feel alone and worthless and I wanted everyone who feels that way to know that you're not....

* * * *

If you've ever been bullied or picked on for your differences, whether it be because those people thought you were too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, too smart or not smart enough. Maybe it was because of the colour of your skin, your religious beliefs or your sexual orientation. Well, I want you to remember the irrefutable fact that you are an individual and you are amazing.

More often than not, these so called “people” are afraid or jealous of what sets you apart. Maybe they are intimidated by how smart or creative you are. Maybe they are jealous of your home life, the fact that your parents pay attention to you, nurture you. Whatever it is, it is their issue. In most cases, it has nothing to do with you, it is them projecting their own issues onto you in a negative way.

So if you are feeling alone, disheartened and you don't think you can go on, just remember that you are you and you were made just the way you were supposed to be. Your differences are what sets you apart from everyone else and they are what make you special. You are NOT defective, you are NOT alone, you are NOT worthless, you are a valued member of this world and no matter what, even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it, there is always someone looking out for you – we are all looking out for you.

So, if you need someone to talk to, to vent to, someone's shoulder to cry on, don't feel embarrassed or that you aren't worth it. Just hold out your hand and someone will take it and hold on tight.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

CSI: Waking Up (PG-13)

Pairing:   Sara Sidle/Catherine Willows.
Summary:  This is the first CSI fan fiction story I wrote.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

As sleep loses its grip on me I become aware of her body behind me, her arm loosely wrapped around my waist. I slowly roll over so that I am facing her. Feeling the movement she grumbles before tightening her grip, pulling my body against her. The sensation of the full body contact steals a moan from me. Even in her sleep she can turn me on.

Watching her sleep has become one of my favourite pastimes. She is so unguarded, open, a contrast to what she is normally. At work anyway. That is one of the things that fascinates me the most. At work she always has her guard up, so removed from everything, distant. That is just who she is, or so I thought.

If you are lucky enough for her to let you in, to let you through the walls she has built around herself you quickly learn who the real Sara is.

Her cool appearance is just a facade. The mask she wears to protect herself from the outside world, or rather, the people in it.

The habit she has of keeping everyone at arms length a skill learnt during her childhood. I guess if the people who are supposed to love you can hurt you so much, best to keep everyone away.

When I think about all that has happened to get us here I know that the one thing that was to blame for the friction between us was my inability to figure her out. People, well the guys at the lab anyway, will tell you that I am able to get through to just about everyone. Slip through their defences and get to the heart of what makes them tick, using it to my advantage when I need to.

Then along came Sara Sidle, one hell of a looker with legs that go on forever. One damn hard nut to crack. I tried everything to get under her skin. When I found that hostility did the job I would bait her until I got a reaction. Once that happened it would usually escalate until before I even realised what I was doing I was shooting my mouth off. Willows – 1. Sidle – 0.

And then what I call the Ecklie incident happened. When she had been suspended I had felt a weird sense of victory. A feeling that lasted through until Ecklie walked out of his own office, leaving Gil and I staring at each other.

The scowl I had been wearing since the argument with Sara vanished instantly when Gil leaned forward slightly and almost whispered. “I’m going to be there for Sara, just like I’ve always been there for you.” With that he turned and walked away.

I instantly knew that with those few words Gil was telling me something important. Gil had always been there for me, during my problems with Eddie and then the initial struggles I had with being a single mum. In his own way and without betraying any kind of confidence he was telling me that there was much more to Sara than I had ever bothered to look for.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Sara’s issues with cases involving domestic violence stemmed from the fact that they hit a nerve with her. Experience told me that when something like that hits a nerve it is more than likely due to personal experiences of similar incidents.

Like a light bulb going off in my head all the dots connected and the image that was revealed wasn’t a pretty one.

As I stood up my eyes landed on a filing cabinet in the corner of Ecklie’s office. It was labelled Personnel Records and before I knew it I had opened the draw that I knew would contain Sara’s file.

It didn’t take me long at all to find what I was looking for. Skimming through the pages I found nothing but work related information until I flicked through to the back page. Attached was a piece of paper with detailed notes all written in the unmistakable hand writing of Ecklie.

The page contained personal information about Sara that could only have been obtained by someone doing a lot of research. The bastard had done by the looks of it a very thorough check on Sara’s personal life.

I briefly pondered if he had done the same for all of us. The surety of the answer sent a shiver down my spine.

With the contents of the final page etched into my brain I quickly put the file back where I found it, gathered up my reports and high tailed it back to my office. I sat in my chair staring off into space for hours, the details of Sara’s past making everything clearer.

Knowledge is a powerful thing. This new knowledge that I had about Sara made me realise one thing. I, Catherine Willows had been an A grade jerk. All those times I felt victorious after baiting the younger woman now felt hollow as guilt invaded me and made itself at home.

I didn’t last two days before I found myself on Sara’s doorstep, coffee and pastries in hand. The shock of seeing me at her door was obvious, which probably helped me gain entry into her apartment.

A truce was called that day, with both of us taking baby steps towards a less combative relationship. The thing that surprised the both of us the most was that we actually had a lot in common outside of work. Over the next few months we edged towards becoming close friends.

Then one night about six months ago it happened. Lindsay was away on a school camp and I had been miserable without my little girl around. Sara had turned up at my place and dragged me out to dinner. Having consumed a little too much alcohol during our meal we hit a couple of clubs.

As the evening progressed our bodies got closer and closer as we danced and before we knew it we were grinding against one another. Without even thinking about it I leant forward and kissed her.

That one kiss ended our club hopping as we caught a cab back to her place, giving the cab driver a nice private show of his own as we conducted some pretty heavy petting in the back seat. There was no awkwardness the next morning, it felt kind of right. We have been together ever since.

While everyone at work knows we are together, we are discreet when it comes to showing affection, we are professional at all times. Well maybe except when we are in my office with the door locked, or that one time in the locker room when the sight of her in just her bra and panties was just too much to ignore.

I am pulled from my pondering of the past by the sound of Sara slowly joining me in the land of reality. As she opens her eyes and sees me she breaks out that huge toothy grin that I love. Before I get a chance to do or say anything she captures my lips in a kiss that steals my breath away.

Who would have thought that waking up could be such fun?

The End.

Lost Girl video: Bo - Security

Monday, April 2, 2012

CSI: Slow (NR-17)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Catherine Willows.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

The relationship between Catherine Willows and Sara Sidle has come a long way since their first meeting. Over the years the animosity between them had somehow turned into attraction and to both their surprise, love.

Their first date had been three months ago. They had both decided to take things slow, Catherine out of concern for how the relationship would affect her daughter and Sara because the demons from her past made her hesitant to begin any type of physical relationship.

Since that first date there has been many others, the sexual tension steadily increasing as they found themselves firmly entrenched at second base.

Early on in their relationship Catherine and Sara had decided that they would keep their private life well away from work. They thought that the fact they were now on different shifts would make it easy. Unbeknown to them both though nearly everyone at work had figured out what was going on between them. Their lingering looks and not so subtle touches had given them away.

Tonight was just another day at the office. Catherine was at her desk finishing up some paperwork when Sara appeared in the doorway. Both grinning like love struck teenagers, Sara moved into the office and sat in one of the chairs opposite Catherine. "Hi."

Subconsciously leaning forward Catherine's greeting came out a little huskier than she intended. "Hi baby."

"I thought I'd drop by and double check what time you wanted me."

With a wicked glint in her eye Catherine couldn't help herself. "You know I want you all the time honey."

Sara had to take several deep breaths to calm down before clarifying. "What time do you want me at your place tomorrow night?"

"Lindsay leaves for camp just after lunch so if you come over at say 6 o'clock that should give me plenty of time to get everything ready."

"Ok, well I better get moving, you know how Gil is if you're late for shift."

After a quick kiss goodbye Catherine couldn't help but let her eyes linger on the sexy backside of her girlfriend as she watched her head off towards the locker room.

Dinner the next night was wonderful. Catherine sat at the head of the table while Sara sat to her left. Throughout the meal some part of their bodies stayed in contact, whether they held hands or allowed their knees to touch. They barely took their eyes off each other as they flirted throughout the meal.

When Catherine had opened the door she had stared, slack jawed for several long minutes as she took in the sexy woman before her. Sara wore black leather pants with a blue, body hugging shirt that highlighted the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. At the same time Sara had been speechless as she caressed Catherine with her eyes, enjoying the amount of skin that the "little black dress" displayed.

After a lingering kiss hello the lover's had sat down to eat, conversation flowing freely.

Once the meal was over Sara cleared the dishes away, shooing Catherine into the living room. "You cooked, so the least I can do is to load the dishwasher."

Quickly getting the job done, Sara moved into the living room, finding Catherine sitting in the middle of the couch looking delectable.

"We've reached the part of the evening where we make out on the couch like a couple of horny teenagers."

Sara leaned down and gently took Catherine by the hand, pulling her to her feet. Wrapping her arms around the smaller woman's waist, Sara pulled Catherine to her until their bodies were pressed together.

"Actually I was hoping this was the part where you lead me to the bedroom we get naked and make love all night."

Before Catherine had a chance to respond Sara claimed her lips in a searing kiss that became more passionate with each passing moment.

Finally breaking the kiss, both women gasped for breath as they gazed into each others eyes. With questions silently asked and answered Catherine moved off towards the bedroom with Sara not far behind.

As soon as both women were in the bedroom they came together for another passion filled kiss. Hands frantically exploring as Catherine guided Sara towards the bed.

Finding the zipper to Catherine's dress, Sara broke the kiss so that she could watch her face as she slowly undid it. Gently caressing her lover's body she moved her hands up to push the straps from Catherine's shoulders.

As the dress fell from her body Catherine moaned Sara's name, her body desperate for her touch. Stepping back to take in the sight of Catherine's body, Sara gasped as she was greeted by a naked lover.

"My, my, my Cat, if I'd known you weren't wearing anything underneath I would have taken your dress off hours ago."

Before Catherine could respond, Sara gently pushed her back onto the bed. "Get comfortable baby. What to you want first, shirt or pants?"

Catherine swallowed hard as a shiver ran through her body. Oh baby, I want everything. "Shirt."

After kicking off her boots and removing her socks Sara straighten up and slowly ran her hands up her stomach, over her breasts teasing her already erect nipples before moving to the top button of her shirt.

Catherine was motionless on the bed. In all her years as a stripper she had never seen anything as sexy as Sara Sidle taking off her clothes. With slow, smooth motions each of the buttons was undone revealing more and more skin.

With the last button undone, Catherine was mesmerised by the strip of skin that was revealed to her. As Sara removed the shirt altogether and let it fall to the floor, Catherine couldn't stop a moan escaping. She was so caught up in the sight before her that Catherine didn't even notice Sara undoing the buttons on her pants.

Once the last button was undone, Sara hooked her thumbs into the waist band and slowly began pulling them down along with her panties.

Realising what was happening Catherine followed the path of the leather as it slid down Sara's long legs. Stepping out of them Sara moved onto the bed, crawling on her hands and knees until she was hovering over Catherine.


The husky tone of Sara's voice sent shivers through Catherine's body. Reaching up, Catherine wrapped her arms around Sara's waist and pulled her closer to her, both women letting out a throaty moan when their bodies came together.

As mouths met in a passionate kiss and hands began exploring both women had similar thoughts.

Slow be damned. . . .

The End.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lost Girl - My Girl (PG)

Pairing:  Bo Dennis/Lauren Lewis.
Summary:  Takes place after episode 2.21 – Into the Dark.
Lost Girl was created by Michelle Lovretta and is Copyright © Canwest Global and Prodigy Pictures.

* * * *

In the end I knew Kenzi was right, I should be with my girl. I love the sound of that – my girl. Of course she is and has been for a long time, but finally it can be true in every sense.

I haven't told her how I feel. Well I have, but not how I really feel, the big L word. As I wait for her to answer the door I debate whether to tell her tonight. On the one hand, I want to tell her regardless of what happens. But on the other I don't want it to come across as though I'm only saying it because I think we'll all be dead tomorrow.

As the door swings open all thought leaves my head as she steals my breath away – as she always does. Her face lights up with the most amazing smile and she moves aside to let me in. “I thought you were going to rest up.”

She closes the door and takes my hand, leading me to the couch. I take in my surroundings, when I see the blood stain still on the floor I feel the sadness that comes with what happened.

Lauren squeezes my hand and I turn my attention to her. She is wearing the cutest pyjama’s and seems to have turned the couch into a comfortable nest with blankets and pillows. “What have you been doing?”

She shrugs her shoulders and points to the TV, “watching some DVD's.” I glance at the coffee table, see the DVD cases and I can't help but laugh. “You're watching Buffy?”

Lauren blushes and I can't help thinking how beautiful she is and that I'm so lucky to have her in my life. I let go of her hand and slide my jacket off, throwing it onto one of the chairs. Next I unzip my boots and kick them off, I plan on relaxing.

I move to the couch and sit down, reaching for Lauren's hand I arrange us so that she is laying between my legs, leaning against my chest. We pull the blankets around us and I wrap my arms around her, pulling her as close to me as I can.

Lauren presses play on the remote and the DVD comes to life, I soon recognise the episode she had been watching. As I begin to lose myself in the normality of what we are doing Lauren takes my hand and interlaces our fingers, her thumb caressing my skin. The simple gesture makes my heart swell with love and I almost miss her question. “Who's your favourite character?”

I don't even have to think about it, “Willow, I like my women smart and geeky.” Lauren laughs and it is the most magical sound. She swats my leg and moves to look at me, poking her tongue out and I know I will spend the rest of my life keeping her safe and happy.

“Well who's your favourite then, Buffy?” Rolling her eyes, she turns back towards the TV. “Actually, it's Faith.”

“Well, well Dr Lewis, it would appear you love bad girls.”

Lauren rolls over to lay on top of me, our bodies pressed together. Suddenly serious, she cups my face in her hands and I get lost in her eyes. “Actually, there's only one bad girl I love.”

I pull her towards me for a kiss, our lips barely touching. The next kiss is filled with love, passion and promises of things to come. I feel naked, exposed and I can't get enough of the feeling.

We finally break apart and I know I have to tell her, “I love you.” My words are met with a huge smile, “I love you too.” More kisses follow before Lauren resumes her original position and we snuggle as Buffy and the Scooby gang save the day – again.

The End.

Monday, March 26, 2012

CSI: Firsts - The First Kiss (PG-13)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Sofia Curtis
Summary:  Sofia remembers their first kiss.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

Our first kiss didn't go as I'd imagined. It was unexpected, unassumingly passionate and led to a lazy morning cuddling on the couch making out like a couple of teenagers.

After our first date we started having breakfast together when we could. Unfortunately due to our work schedules it hadn't been as often as I would have liked the last couple of weeks.

One morning I decided that I wanted to cook for her, the idea of spending some time alone a huge added bonus.

Arriving at my place I gave Sara a tour. I think we both blushed when I showed her my bedroom.

Once I'd shown her around I went into the kitchen to start cooking. I'd told Sara to make herself at home in the living room but I was happy when she followed me into the kitchen.

Sara leant against the bench and watched while I got the ingredients together and then started preparing them.

As I worked, my hair kept falling across my face, getting in my way and annoying me. After brushing it behind my ear several times, out of the corner of my eye I saw Sara move towards me.

I turned my head towards her as I felt her body press against my side.

"Got a problem there Detective?"

Before I could answer Sara reached up and brushed my hair back behind my ear. Her fingers then traced my jaw before she cupped the side of my face, brushing her thumb over my lips.

My skin tingled where she was touching me. The feel of her hand on my face caused the most delicious heat to spread throughout my body.

I put down the knife and carrot that I'd been cutting up and turned my body so that we were gently pressed together. My hands automatically went to her hips and I pulled her towards me so that our bodies were pressed against one another.

We stood there, hip to hip and breast to breast for what seemed like hours. Simply enjoying the closeness we now had.

Sara moved her hand through my hair to the back of my head and ever so slowly she began to massage my scalp. It felt so good that I was sure that any second now she'd have me purring like a kitten.

She increased the pressure of her movements, causing me to moan my appreciation much to my surprise.

A smug smirk appeared on her face and before I knew what was going on she was pulling me head towards her as she moved forward.

Realising that we were about to kiss for the first time I tightened my grip on her hips and pulled her even harder against me, causing her to gasp.

And then we kissed. Our lips briefly brushed together in a chaste first meeting. The feel of her body against mine mixed with her wonderful smell and the feel of her lips sent my body into sensory overload.

I fought me overwhelming desire to take her to my bedroom, rip her clothes off and have her then and there.

As I pulled back enough so that I could make eye contact I could see that she was fighting a similar battle.

It would have been all too easy to jump into bed so soon but I didn't want this to be like every other time in my life. As far as I am concerned Sara is the one for me and I was going to do this differently.

"That was nice."

Sara smiled brightly at my understatement, her throaty laugh sending shivers down my spine.

The amused sparkle in her eyes had me captivated.

"Maybe after we eat we can re-create the crime scene."

Now it was my turn to laugh.

I moved back to the ingredients that had been briefly forgotten. This time instead of leaning against the bench Sara moved to stand behind me and to the side enough so that she could watch what I was doing.

I'm still amazed that I didn't cut myself due to the distraction of having her body lightly pressed into mine with her hand drawing lazy patterns on my lower back.

The End.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Lost Girl video: Bo and Lauren - Lovers

My first attempt at making a video - enjoy....

CSI: Packing (NR-17)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Catherine Willows.
Summary:  A little Catherine/Sara lovin’.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

Flopping down on the couch I throw my keys onto the coffee table. I've just arrived home after dropping Lindsey off at Nancy's for the weekend. Since I've already done the dinner dishes and all the housework has already been done earlier in the day there is nothing left to keep my mind off my favourite topic - Sara Sidle.

In his wisdom, Grissom had sent Sara to a week long seminar in Chicago. Being well and truly entrenched in the honeymoon period of our relationship we were both less than impressed with his decision.

We've been dating for about six months and sleeping together for four. Personally if it was up to me we would have been getting it on from that very first date but my sweet, sometimes old fashioned lover wanted to take it slow. Looking back it was a good idea, with all the heavy petting that went on the build up meant that our first time together definitely went off with a bang!

Memories of that first night do nothing to relieve the tension that the lack of Sara has caused. Replaying some of our activities over again in my mind has me wound tighter than a drum. Damn she is good with her hands, and the things that she can do with her mouth and especially that talented tongue of hers. I'm so distracted by thoughts of the things she will be doing with that tongue when she gets home tomorrow that I don't hear the doorbell.

Eventually the noise from the front door breaks through my thoughts. I shake myself out of my daydream and make my way to the door. After the door swings open I find myself staring at the vision before me. Standing in my doorway is the one and only Sara Sidle, looking good enough to eat.

I try not to drool as I let my eyes wonder from head to toe. She's wearing a body hugging shirt with the top few buttons undone revealing a nice amount of cleavage. She is also wearing the baggy leather pants that I love for the fact that they cup her ass just right.

Before I can say a word, Sara steps forward and gently pushes me back far enough so that she can close the door. The feel of her arms wrapping around me and her body pressing against mine spreads a tingling warmth throughout my body.

"Hi baby, miss me?"

Damn I love it when her voice is all low and husky like that. Wrapping my arms around her neck, I pull her towards me and capture her lips with my own. I am in the middle of kissing her senseless when I feel something hard pressing against me.

Grinding my hips again there is no mistaking it my baby has a little something extra on today. My mind is instantly taken back to one lazy afternoon just before she went to Chicago. We had spent the morning making love and were cuddling in bed talking about our fantasies.

I break our kiss as I suddenly remember one of the things that I had told her. Taking in the smug grin that Sara currently has on her face I don't even have to ask her.

Holy shit my honey is packing!

Grinding her hips at the same time she tightens her grip on me, I'm nearly sent into orbit as I feel her body and optional extra press into me.

I am vaguely aware that I am moaning as I try to focus on what Sara is saying.

"Cat honey I want to take you out and show you off."

What! Is she insane? There is no way in hell she is going to get me this worked up without following through.

Claiming her lips in another passionate kiss my hands head south. One goes to the button on her pants, while the other cups her crotch. Good god, that thing is huge.

Finally breaking the kiss I lean back so that I can see her face. Her skin is flushed and like me her breathing is erratic.

"No way Sidle the only place we are going is upstairs. NOW!"

Meeting little resistance I grab Sara by the hand and drag her towards the stairs. I put a little extra sway into my walk after I look back and find Sara's eyes firmly glued to my ass.

* * * *

Getting a little distracted along the way we finally make it to my bedroom. Sara is naked from the waist up and I'm only wearing my bra and panties.

Kissing and groping our way to the bed Sara removes my bra before gently pushing me backwards. Landing in the middle of the bed I don't take my eyes off Sara as she undoes the button on her pants and ever so slowly lowers the zipper.

I'm mesmerised as I watch her hook her thumbs in the waist of her pants and pull them down. Once her boots and socks are also removed she stands up, revealing herself to me.

The sight of a naked Sara Sidle has always driven me crazy but the sight of a naked Sara Sidle wearing a strap on pushes me into sensory overload. My hips raise up off the bed all on their own as my whole body begins to throb. If my panties weren't soaked before they sure as hell are now. "Oh baby."

Climbing onto the bed Sara crawls on her hands and knees until she is kneeling between my spread legs. She's got that smug, devilish grin on her face that tells me she's about to rock my world.

I'm desperately trying to focus but the fact that I'm on the brink of an orgasm isn't helping. I don't even try to stop the loud moans that her touch inspires. Starting at my ankles, Sara runs her hands up my legs and gently pushes my hips back down to the bed.

Sara claims my mouth in a searing kiss as her hands caress my breasts. The kiss is over way to soon. My disappointment is short lived though as she is soon kissing me in a completely different area.

For the briefest moment I wonder how she managed to removed my panties without me noticing although her talented mouth soon stops that thought and any other brain function.

I've got a death grip on the back of her head, pulling her as close to me as possible. The feel of her tongue entering me pushes me a little closer to the edge. It doesn't take many thrusts of her tongue to have me screaming her name as I come in her mouth.

The growls coming from Sara as she licks up all I've given her send a shiver through my body. Before I know it she is hovering over me again, grin firmly in place. Showering kissing along my jaw, Sara pauses to lick my neck before suckling on my earlobe.

It takes me a while to realise that she is whispering in my ear. Blinking several times her words finally make it through my brain haze.

"I love you Cat. Ready for me baby or do you need a minute?"

Hell no, I don't need a minute. "I need you now baby. I want to feel you inside me."

That damn grin is back as she reaches down between our bodies. We don't break eye contact as she guides the tip of the dildo to my opening. Ever so slowly she moves her hips pressing into me a little.

Rocking gently Sara begins thrusting her hips, entering me a little further each time. I can tell that she's not far off coming as she begins saying my name over and over again. To help her along I do something that she absolutely loves, I rake my fingernails down her back.

Throwing her head back, Sara bucks her hips as she comes hard. The motion of her hips makes me gasp as she enters me fully for the first time. This seems to set her off because her thrusts go from slow and gentle to hard and fast. Good God does it feel amazing.

While she continues thrusting inside me Sara's hands and mouth seem to be everywhere at once. Both our bodies are covered in sweat causing the most incredible sensations as she moves against me.

Normally if Lindsay is home we try to be quiet when we make love. I am incredible thankful that she isn't home tonight because with the things that Sara is doing to me right now I couldn't be quiet if my life depended on it.

Wrapping my legs around Sara's waist, I gasp as the change in angle causes new sensations to rock me to my very core. Arching my back I scream Sara's name as an orgasm rips through me.

It is perfectly clear that Sara is intent on sending me on my very own come fest as her rhythm doesn't change. As I come again and then again, I am completely consumed by all things Sara. She is all I can see, feel, smell and taste and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I can tell she is getting close as her moans have stopped and in their place comes an incredibly sexy grunt with each thrust of her hips. Her rhythm suddenly falters and her body starts to jerk against me instead. Throwing her head back a string of expletives leave her mouth as she comes.

One more orgasm crashes through me before Sara finally collapses on top of me exhausted. We both desperately try to catch our breath as she gently pulls the dildo out of me, leaving me with a sudden sense of emptiness.

Sara tries to roll off me but I hold her tightly in place. I love the feel of her on top of me and don't want her to go anywhere. "No baby. I love the feel of you right where you are, don't move."

She mumbles something that I can't understand but before I can ask her what she said she is quietly snoring. I chuckle as I gently tuck some stray hair behind her ear. Sometimes she is just too cute for words. Somehow I manage to pull the sheet over us both before I too surrender to sleep.

The End.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

CSI: Firsts - It's Love (PG)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Sofia Curtis
Summary:  Sofia remembers the moment she realised she was in love with Sara.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *
The first time I realised that I was in love with her took me by complete surprise.

I'd been talking to Bobby in Ballistics when a loud bang came from the garage, followed by some rather unladylike language.

Bobby grinned, shrugged his shoulders and went back to work while I couldn't resist, wandering in to see what was up.

There, next to a huge SUV stood the one and only Sara Sidle, hands on hips, swearing under her breath.

I couldn't help but laugh when she kicked the tire.

"What did the car ever do to you?"

She jumped at the sound of my voice. When she turned to face me, I got my answer. She was filthy.

She had dirt and grime all over her face, grease all over her overalls and her hair was in complete disarray, falling out of a ponytail in way of protest.

She blushed and then did something that in my opinion she doesn't do anywhere near enough of, she smiled.

At that moment I realised that she was the most beautiful woman in all the world, and I was in trouble....

The End.

CSI: Early Morning Wake Up Call (NR-17)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Catherine Willows.
Summary:  It’s Catherine’s fault for being so damn irresistible.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

I sneak into the house as quietly as I can so I don't wake Catherine. It was her night off and I want her to sleep in as late as she wants. Lily has Lindsay for the night and will be dropping her off at school so there is no reason for Cath to get up early if she doesn't want to.

Making my way to our bedroom I'm glad I decided to shower at work because there is no way I can be bothered to do it now. I just want to climb into bed and sleep.

As I slip into our bedroom and gently close the door my thoughts are suddenly filled with far more interesting ways to spend my time in bed with Catherine as I take in the sight before me.

Cath is sprawled out on her stomach in the middle of the bed, the sheet barely covering that sexy butt of hers. I'm frozen in place as I take in the curve of her back.

God I love how flexible she is, the way her back arches and the muscles ripple when she moves. I remember how beautiful she is when I'm taking her from behind and her back arches when she throws her head back and screams.

Good God I've gone from dead on my feet to wide awake and horny as hell in the space of ten seconds. With work commitments, Lindsay's parent teacher night and the screwed roster that we are working because of Ecklie trying to make budget cuts, it's been almost two weeks since we've made love.

That is very unusual for us and the lack of Catherine loving is really starting to affect me. I know it's affecting her too because she called me before she went to sleep. She'd said some things that would make a sailor blush. They sure as hell made me blush. I had to go to the bathroom and splash water on my face.

I quickly undress and make my way to the bed with the intent of waking her up and making love to her. The whole time my head is having a debate with the rest of my body. Cath has been exhausted this week and I know she was looking forward to tonight so that she can catch up on some sleep. But on the other hand, I want her so bad I can taste it.

Just when my brain is about to win I watch as Cath rolls over towards her side of the bad. The sheet is still bunched up towards the end of the bed, so that when she rolls over I get the most glorious view of her stomach and her perfect breasts.

My brain is suddenly outvoted by my body. There is no way in hell that I can resist her when she's laying there looking so sexy.

Unable to resist I slowly pull the sheet back, revealing all of her. I let my eyes roam over her body from her feet up to her beautiful face. Damn, I'm the luckiest woman on the face of the earth. My eyes linger on her face for a few seconds before becoming fixated on her breasts.

I'm so rapped up in thoughts of what I want to do to her that I don't realise that she has woken up.

"You going to stand there all night or are you going to sample the goods?"

It's fair to say that she just scared the crap out of me.

Recovering quickly from the shock I try to be smooth and climb on to the bed, crawling on my hands and knees until I'm hovering over her.

My grand plans of seduction are thrown out the window when she lunges at me and before I know it I'm pinned beneath a gorgeous redhead. Well I must admit the view from here is pretty darn good so I'm not complaining too much.

We're soon kissing like our lives depend on it and before long our hands have joined in the activities.

It would seem that my love doesn't mind the early morning wake up call one little bit as our bodies grind against on another's.

Sometime later we're snuggled together under the sheet simply enjoying the closeness we have. She has a smug grin on her face as we talk about anything and everything. She is drawing lazy patterns on my stomach as I do the same on her back.

Letting out a contented sigh I kiss the top of her head and start to giggle. I know Cath didn't mind the early wake up call but I have a feeling that the neighbours may have a different opinion.

The End.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

CSI: Christening (PG-13)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Sofia Curtis
Summary:  Sara and Sofia are taking time out for a Christening.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

I was a little early picking Sara up so I decided to wonder around the lab and catch up on the gossip. Finding Greg in the break room playing Nintendo with Nick I can tell he's getting his butt kicked by the desperate look on his face.

As the game came to an end Greg seemed almost relieved that the punishment was over. Pulling up a chair I chatted with them for a few minutes, discovering that the night had been a quiet one for them too. I'd spent the evening catching up on paperwork and was relieved that I was now officially caught up.

Glancing at my watch I found that shift was over. I was just about to head off in search of Sara when Catherine walked into the break room with Warwick. We greeted each other before asking how each other's day had been. We all chatted for a couple of minutes before I decided it was time to find my girl.

Catherine must have read my mind because without even asking if she knew where Sara was she told me that Sara had been on her way to the locker room. Saying my goodbyes I was just about out the door when I heard Greg ask if we'd christened the new place yet.

Sara and I had taken the huge step of moving in together. Instead of going for an apartment we found a house that we both instantly fell in love with. It's in a quiet neighbourhood only a couple of blocks from Catherine's. When Catherine had found out about it she teased use for days, saying that she had an extra two babysitters on hand.

Turning back to see four very amused CSI's all of whom were obviously waiting for the answer I decided to tease them a little.

"Not yet. That's why we're both taking the next two weeks off. It's a big house with lots of surfaces."

Greg nearly choked on his coffee, while Nick and Warwick simply stared at me with their mouths hanging open. Catherine seemed to be laughing more at the guy's reactions than at what I'd said. She winked at me before wishing us a great vacation.

The End.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Drunk (R)

Pairing:  Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay.
Summary:  AU story where Willow is determined to tell Tara how she feels. I'm fascinated with the idea of Willow being in love with Tara, but Tara either not feeling the same way (at the beginning) or at the very least unsure of her feelings for our favourite redhead. This fic is AU and is written based on the following:
Willow has been in love with Tara since meeting at college. Both women have graduated and are hard working members of society!
Tara lives with Buffy and Dawn.
Willow shares an apartment with Xander and Anya.
Willow is determined to tell Tara how she feels.
Tara is oblivious and has no romantic feelings for her friend, or does she?
The rest of the Scoobys know of Willow's feelings for Tara. They all think that Tara only loves Willow as a friend.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was created by Josh Whedon and is Copyright © Mutant Enemy Productions and 20th Century Fox.

* * * *

Willow was sitting at the gang's usual table, her palms sweating as her nerves declared war. Tonight was the night that she would tell Tara how she felt, that she loved her with all her heart and soul, that Tara was her soul mate. Ok, maybe lay off the soul mate stuff, because that will scare her off for sure.

It was Friday night which meant it was Bronze night. Willow had confided in Xander of her plans, so there they were, Xander, Willow and Anya, sitting at the Bronze, ridiculously early, waiting for their friends.

The redhead kept glancing at the door and then her watch, her nervous fidgeting finally getting to Anya. "You know why don't you have a drink. I've heard that alcohol is excellent for calming nerves."

Willow stared at Anya for several moments before heading over to the bar. An hour later and against Xander's best efforts, one drink had turned into one too many. Swaying slightly due to her level of intoxication Willow nearly jumped off her chair when she saw Tara, Buffy and Dawn walk through the door.

Oh Goddess, she looks so beautiful tonight. Ok, I have to calm down and get this right, don't want to come across all stalker-ish. We'll all talk and dance for awhile and then I'll sneak her off to a quiet spot and tell her.

* * * *

An hour and a half later Xander and Anya were still on the dance floor while the others were sitting around the table talking. Buffy, Tara and Dawn had noticed Willow's drunken state. None of them could remember ever seeing Willow drunk, well except maybe for that one time at one of Riley's frat parties when Willow had disappeared with a rather hot looking blonde for a couple of hours. Willow's odd behaviour leading the two blondes to make a mental note to find out from the others what was going on.

Tara's thoughts were interrupted by Willow grabbing her by the hand and dragging her towards the dance floor. Making sure to maintain what she felt was respectable "dancing with a friend" personal space Willow's usual shyness on the dance floor was nowhere to be seen.

Watching her friend Tara couldn't help but be surprised at what a good dancer she could be. Who knew she had some moves, the woman's got rhythm.As the song ended Willow again took Tara's hand, but rather than rejoin their friends at the table, Willow lead the blonde to the far corner which was vacant.

Gently pushing Tara so that she was almost leaning against the wall, Willow moved in close and cupped her friends face with her hands. Tara stood still, her arms hanging loosely down at her sides as her surprise gave way to a feeling of dread. Huh, what is going on? Why is she looking at me like that?

"Tara, I have to tell you something, I can't keep it a secret any longer." Getting no response Willow charged ahead, her well rehearsed speech forgotten. "Tara, I love you. I've been in love with you forever."

Tara's mouth fell open as her eyebrows shot up in confusion. Huh, what? Willow's clouded mind somehow interpreted her friends reaction as encouragement and she leant forward and gently brushed her lips against Tara's.

As Willow moved her lips against Tara's mouth the blonde froze, her body stiffening. After several seconds Willow's brain registered that Tara wasn't kissing her back. Opening her eyes she moved away from her friend far enough so that she could look into her eyes.

Desperately searching for some sign, anything to tell her what was going through Tara's mind a cold chill swept through Willow's body as she was hit with the undeniable reality of it all. The realisation made Willow go into self destruct mode. Oh God, she's freaked out. The idea of kissing me, being with me freaks her out. At this very moment she is probably trying to think of a polite way of saying "Sorry, but you're a short, ugly, dork so I can't possible be in love with you, let alone physically attracted to you". Damn I should have known someone as wonderful as Tara wouldn't be interested in a dork like me.

Realising that she still held Tara's face in her hands Willow quickly let go and stepped back several feet, stumbling slightly from the affects of the alcohol. "I'm sorry, so sorry Tara. I should have known that you couldn't love someone like me. I'm sorry." She stared at Tara for several moments before she turned and high-tailed it out of there. Damn I'm an idiot, I won't be able to face her again after this. How could I have been so sure that she felt the same? Damn, damn, damn.

The whole thing had taken less than a minute to unfold. What Willow had said had finally sunk into Tara's brain just as she felt her friend's lips on her own mouth. The kiss had shocked her with the warm softness disappearing almost as fast at it had arrived. She loves me. I didn't know. I mean I know she's gay, but I've never thought about her like that.

The next thing Tara knew Willow had broken all contact with her and was saying something that her brain had not yet processed. In the blink of an eye Willow had disappeared.

As her brain finally understood what her friend had said Tara was filled with so many emotions, all confusing and fighting for supremacy. A sense of uneasiness settled over the blonde as she was filled with an urgent need to find Willow. Almost running back to the table Tara was filled with dread as the lack of Willow sitting there made her heart hurt. "Have you guys seen Willow?"

Seeing their friends flushed appearance Xander and Anya shared a glance. "We thought she was with you."

Tara turned to Xander. "She was. We were talking and then she left."

Anya immediately assessed the situation in her own unique way. "So did you let her down gently or did you smack her down and rip her heart into little tiny pieces?"

Xander jumped in before his girlfriend could make the situation any worse. "What Anya means is that I'm sure Willow just needs some time alone."

Buffy looked from Xander to Anya and then to Tara. "Did I miss something here?"

Before Tara could answer Anya spoke up. "Well tonight Willow was going to tell Tara that she loves her and wants to get naked with her. Judging by the udden lack of Willow I assume that she didn't take the rejection very well."

Tara suddenly had four pairs of eyes staring at her. "I-I-I-I didn't. I mean she did tell me but I d-d-d-didn't do anything. She left before I could say anything and we need to find her because she was upset."

* * * *

Willow exited the Bronze, the cold night air sending a chill through her petite frame. She had come to the Bronze with Xander so driving was out of the question. Maybe I should get a taxi home. No, I don't feel like going home yet. Deciding on what she was going to do, Willow walked passed the taxi stand and broke into a run without even realising it. As the familiar neighbourhood passed by Willow finally came to a stop in front of her destination, her parent's house. Rather than entering her childhood home, Willow made her way around the side to the back yard.

Standing under the tall tree in the middle of the yard, the redhead looked up at the tree house she had spent countless hours in during her childhood. Without a second thought she grabbed a hold of the rickety old ladder and started climbing. Several feet up the ladder Willow lost her footing and fell to the ground. Landing heavily on her side she banged her head hard on the ground, earning a nasty cut just above her left eye. Dazed, she sat up after several minutes catching her breath and examined the damage as best she could in the dark while intoxicated. Feeling a wetness slowly trickling down the side of her face Willow knew she was bleeding. "Well damn if that doesn't end the night just perfectly."

Wiping at the blood with the sleeve of her shirt Willow stood up again and went back to climbing the ladder. Taking it slower this time she made it up to the door of the tree house. Pushing the old door open she crawled inside and lay on the floor, breathing heavily from the effort. Still bleeding from the cut she fell into a restless sleep.

* * * *

Tara was beside herself with worry. After searching for the redhead in all of their usual hangouts they had gone back to the apartment she shares with Xander and Anya to find she hadn't been home.

Buffy and Dawn had gone back to their house just in case Willow showed up there. Tara refused to go home with them, instead preferring to stay and wait for Willow to come home. Tara was desperate to talk to Willow to sort things out. The main problem now being that Tara had absolutely no idea how she was going to handle the situation, all she knew was that she had to make sure Willow was ok.

As the hours ticked by Xander and Anya had gone to bed exhausted. Tara stayed on the couch watching TV, or rather staring at the TV which happened to be turned on. Unable to sit still Tara began moving around the living room, looking at the various pictures of the gang that were on the mantelpiece and hung on the walls. Before she realised it Tara was standing in the open doorway to Willow's room.

After a moments hesitation Tara moved into the room, turning on the light as she entered. The room had a warm and welcoming feel to it, sparsely decorated Tara couldn't help but smile at the pile of clothes spread over the bed. She obviously couldn't decide what to wear tonight.

Moving over to the desk Tara looked at the photographs sitting next to the laptop that took pride of place. Each photo consisted of members of their unique little family with different combinations of Willow, herself, Xander, Anya, Buffy, Dawn and even Giles and Joyce. Tara was filled with sadness at the lack of any pictures featuring Willow and her parents. God, how can they be so stupid. They both go on about kids and how to be good parents but neither of them has the faintest idea how to actually be a parent. I can't even remember the last time I saw them spend any time with her.

Picking up a picture of herself and Willow taken on graduation day Tara moved over to the bed and pushed some of the clothes off to make enough room for her to lie down.

Looking at the picture Tara giggled at the memory of when it was taken. It had been a long day and Tara had been exhausted. As the two girls posed for the picture, Willow had started tickling her. Tara had her head thrown back a little as she laughed and Willow was looking straight at the camera with the biggest grin on her face as she stuck out her tongue. The next few minutes had been spent with Tara chasing Willow trying to get her own back.

Other memories of Willow filled her brain as she began tracing the redheads face with the middle finger on her right hand. As Tara mentally went through the time since she had met her friend the blonde realised that the signs of Willows affection for her were obvious. The redhead had always been there for her, always been more attentive and protective than she was with the rest of the gang, even more so than with Dawn who she considered to be a sister.

Tara couldn't believe she had been so blind to it all. Tonight at the Bronze she had discovered that everyone else had known from early on. Even Xander who was normally oblivious had figured it out.

As she continued to trace Willow's face on the picture Tara was filled with a longing for her friend. She desperately wanted to see Willow, hear her voice, hug her and hold her close. What her feelings for the redhead were she still didn't know but she did know that not knowing where she was and if she is ok was driving her insane.

Making herself more comfortable on the bed Tara took one of the pillows and hugged it close while still clutching the picture in her other hand. She was immediately consumed with the comforting scent of Willow. As Tara's tears began to fall unchecked, her heart slowly awoke to the reality of love.

* * * *

Willow opened her eyes to be met with the blinding light of early morning. Immediately closing her eyes she rubbed at them with the back of her right hand. Trying to sit up her stiff limbs and body put up a protest, reminding her of what had happened the night before. Oh God, it really happened. And here I was thinking it was all just a bad, bad dream.

Stretching in an attempt to work out the stiffness in her body she cursed both the alcohol she had consumed along with the fall off the ladder for her thumping headache.

Once she was able to move a little easier Willow moved to the door of the tree house and looked down. Seeing the sorry state of the ladder she was amazed that she had made it up there in the first place. Well crap, this is going to be fun. Great, just great.

After twenty minutes of mumbling under her breath and swearing off alcohol for life she finally made it down the ladder, briefly considering kneeling down and kissing the grass in relief. Dismissing the idea she straightened herself up as best she could and headed home.

* * * *

As Xander hung up the phone Anya could tell he was beginning to freak out. They had gotten up early and finding Tara asleep on Willow's bed but no actual Willow anywhere to be seen Xander had tried calling Willow's parents place again. Getting no answer he had called Buffy who advised the redhead had been a no show there as well.

Moving towards the kitchen to make them breakfast Anya spun around as the door to the apartment opened and Willow limped in.

Xander jumped up from the couch and was next to Willow in the blink of an eye. Hugging her to him for a moment he basically carried her back to the couch and sat her down so he could take a good look at her.

"God Will, what happened to you?"

"Oh you know. Made a fool of myself, fell out of a tree house. The usual things I do on a Friday night."

Xander looked from Willow to Anya, who merely shrugged as she turned to continue her journey to the kitchen. "Oh well, I guess it's breakfast for four then."

* * * *

In her sleep filled haze Tara could hear movement in the apartment along with people talking. Snuggling further into the pillow that she was still holding she became more alert when she heard the front door open and close.

Concentrating on the sounds coming from the living room Tara jumped up off the bed at the familiar voice of a certain redhead. Straightening her clothes she made her way to the door where she stood for a moment to compose herself. As she watched Anya disappear into the kitchen Tara turned her attention to Willow and Xander who where sitting on the couch, currently unaware of her presence.

Xander pulled Willow into a gentle hug. "Come on Will, it's not as bad as it seems."

"That's easy for you to say Xander, you weren't the one making a complete fool of yourself. I mean how could I be so stupid as to think she would feel the same? She's this incredible person who can have anyone she wants, why would she want stupid, boring me?"

Xander was at a loss as to how to answer. I wish Buffy was here, she'd know what to say. "Will, why don't we get you cleaned up. I mean I'm not much into fashion but I'm pretty sure that blood isn't in this season."

This brought Tara out of her thoughts. Blood - what? Moving towards where Willow was sitting, Tara moved around to where she could see Willow's face. Taking in the dishevelled appearance of the redhead she couldn't stop a gasp from escaping. Willow had dried blood in her hair and caked to the side of her face, her shirt was also stained with crimson.

Turning towards the sound Willow came face to face with the one person she hadn't planned on seeing again in the near future. The shock made her jump up from the couch which she instantly regretted as her aching body protested. "Tara! What are you doing here?" Realising the harshness of her tone she tried again. "I mean, hi. I didn't expect to see you here."

Tara took several steps towards her friend. "Oh My God Will, what happened to you?"

Looking down at herself Willow saw that her shirt was stained with blood for the first time. "Ummm I just had a little accident, nothing major."

As Tara moved closer Willow moved around the other side of the couch and headed towards the bathroom. "I just need to grab a shower and I'll be fine."

Rushing into the bathroom Willow closed the door and leaned back against it. She slowly slid down its length until she was sitting on the floor with her back against the cool wood of the door. Taking in big gasps of air she couldn't hold in her tears any longer as she hugged her knees to her chest.

* * * *

An hour later Tara was sitting on the couch, waiting for Willow to come out of the bathroom. Shortly after the redhead had disappeared Xander had explained to both Anya and Tara what had happened. After a brief discussion Xander and Anya left so that Willow and Tara could be alone to talk.

Several more minutes passed before Tara heard the bathroom door open. "Xander, can you give me a hand for a minute please?" Receiving no answer Willow walked into the living room wearing a white bathrobe with a pile of tissues held to the cut above her left eye.

Tara stood and made her way over to where the redhead was standing, wide eyed. "Xander and Anya went to Buffy's so that we could talk."

Before Willow could answer Tara gently turned her around and led her back into the bathroom. As Tara got the small first aid kit from the cupboard under the sink Willow sat down on the edge of the bathtub.

Tara knelt down in front of Willow, brushed her hands away from the cut and began cleaning it gently. Willow flinched slightly at the pain from the antiseptic and decided to dive right in.

"Look Tara, I'm really sorry about last night, I shouldn't have put you in that position. I realise now that you could never love me and I hope that you can forgive me and still want to be friends."

Saying nothing Tara continued to clean the cut, gathering her thoughts as she used one of the small bandaids to hold the cut closed. Willow searched the blondes face for any signs of what she was thinking. Having finished what she was doing she finally looked Willow in the eye. As they looked at each other for what seemed like an hour Tara was the one to break the silence.


OH MY GOD she wants me to tell her why we should still be friends. She hates me. She hates me and never wants to see me again. "Well, you know, I like having you as my friend and I don't want to lose that because I was being stupid."

Tara tilted her head to the side before clarifying.

"No, I mean why do you think I could never love you?"

Willow sighed before breaking eye contact to look down at her hands which were playing with the ends of the cord holding the robe together.

"You've looked in a mirror before right?"

Judging by the silence that filled the room Willow knew that she wasn't going to get out of it with some Willow humour. Deciding that honesty was the only way to go, Willow took a deep breath.

"Well because you're everything that I'm not. I mean you could have anyone you wanted so the likelihood of you settling with second rate is pretty small. Look at your last girlfriend for example, she was drop dead gorgeous. Why would you settle for a beat up old Toyota when you could have a brand new BMW instead?"

As she listened to what Willow was saying Tara clenched her jaw, a simmering anger beginning to surface. Why does she always do that, put herself down like she's nothing? Doesn't she know how wonderful she is, how warm and caring? And there is no way that Karen ever looked that hot in a bathrobe.

Unable to stop herself Tara reached up and gently cupped Willows face in her hands. "Stop it. Willow stop putting yourself down like that."

Unable to look away Willow met her friends gaze using all of her self control to not look away.

"How can you know what I want, how I feel when I didn't even know? Last night when you said those things, when you kissed me it was a big surprise. I didn't have the slightest clue that you have feelings for me Will."

Tara watched as Willow blinked away the tears that had been forming. The redheads shoulders slumped slightly as sadness clouded her normally sparkling green eyes.

It was all too much for Tara as the sight of Willow in pain caused her heart to ache. In that moment Tara knew without a doubt that she never wanted her Willow to suffer, never wanted her to be sad again.

As her thumbs began to caress the soft skin of Willow's face she tried to reassure her that everything would be ok.

"When you ran out of the Bronze like that it scared me Will. Then when you didn't come home I was so worried. I didn't know where you were or what you were doing. It felt like part of me was missing."

Silence once again fell upon the room as both women regarded one another, gazing into each others eyes. And then Willow watched as the most amazing thing happened, Tara leant in and kissed her.

It was a chaste, gentle kiss as lips barely grazed. Then as both women became more confident mouths meet more firmly as they tried to convey a message that words seemed unable to express.

For Willow it was everything she had always dreamt of. OH MY GOD Tara is kissing me. T A R A is k i s s i n g me. TARA IS KISSING ME.

As for Tara the feeling of Willow's warm, soft skin against her own was something she wanted to feel over and over again. OH MY GOD I'm kissing Willow. I'm k i s s i n g Willow. I'M KISSING WILLOW.

Finally breaking the kiss both women were breathing hard. Tara couldn't help flashing one of her trademark lopsided grins as she watched a myriad of emotions and thoughts appear on Willow's face. First was shock and confusion, followed by a realisation that led to pure joy as a megawatt Willow smile erupted.

"Will, I think we've kinda done things backwards. Aren't we supposed to go out on a date or two before we kiss?"

Willow's smile faded for a moment before it reappeared even brighter than before. "In that case, Tara will you go out with me?"

The End.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

CSI: Needing Her (R)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Sofia Curtis.
Summary:  She doesn’t just want Sara, she needs her.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *
Catherine, Wendy and I are sitting in a booth towards the back corner of the club waiting for Sara to arrive. She's been out at some little hick town for the last couple of days working a case with Nick.

While we had talked on the phone several times a day her absence was driving me crazy. I miss her smile, her sparkling eyes, the slight swagger of her walk and most of all I miss her body in my bed.

We've only been together a few months but I am well and truly addicted to Sara Sidle. When I told Catherine that Sara and I were together she just couldn't get what it is I see in her. She didn't mean it in a nasty way, in fact she and Sara have become quite close, but as she put it, Sara is all freezing cold to my sizzling hot.

I know that Sara gives off the whole ice queen vibe but as I quickly discovered that is just all show while she's at work. Get her out of hours and she is a warm, caring, extremely sensual being.

She is genuinely funny, often keeping me in fits of laughter that leave me breathless. And speaking of breathless, once I got her into bed I found that she is far from a cold fish. Who knew that Sara Sidle was up for pretty much anything that she thinks sounds even remotely appealing.

Making love with Sara can be gentle and slow or if the mood strikes it can be rough and down right kinky. She has made it clear that she will never do anything that I don't want her too and will never, ever hurt me. It made me love her more.

I know she has only been gone a couple of days but try telling that to my body. I yearn for her. I need to see her, feel her next to me, against me. My body is one giant ball of throbbing need.

I'm wondering why the hell I agreed to come out tonight when all I want to do when Sara gets back is get her home so that she can have me bouncing off the walls.

As if by magic, there she is. Standing in the doorway looking around to see where we are. Her whole face lights up when she sees me and she makes her way over. I can't keep a smug grin off my face as several women watch her progress with a great deal of interest. Keep your hands off ladies, that hottie is ALL mine.

* * * *

One hour we lasted at the club. Well actually it was more like forty five minutes. We had a drink and talked to Catherine and Wendy while we cuddled in the booth.

Once we hit the dance floor though I was a goner. The feel of her body against mine while her hands went on a little expedition underneath my shirt pushed me over the edge of sanity.

We waved in the general direction of Cath and Wendy who were making out in the booth before making for the exit.

Mustering up the last of our self control we sped off towards Sara's place, fighting the urge to get it on in my truck the whole way there.

Slamming the door behind us we couldn't keep our hands and mouths off each other as we made our way to the bedroom. By the time Sara pushed me back onto her huge bed I'd somehow ended up naked.

I didn't really care how I ended up that way without consciously knowing it because I had far more important things to do, like watching as Sara ever so slowly undressed.

My craving for her, my need intensified as each piece of clothing came off. I had a sudden empathy with drug addicts, the only difference between us being that my drug of choice was a hot brunette who at this very moment was on her hands and knees hovering above me.

We stayed motionless on the bed simply staring into each others eyes. I saw every emotion that I was feeling reflected back at me in her amazing pools of brown. Sara's need for me equal to that of my own for her.

The air around us seemed to thicken and before I could say anything she was upon me. The delicious feel of her weight on top of me quickly overtaken by the sensations her mouth and hands were leaving in their wake.

For hours we consumed each other. Caressed and explored every inch of the other's body. Sara granted my wish and well and truly had me bouncing off the walls and I did my best to do the same for her.

Afterwards we lay together with limbs entwined. We talked. We lay in silence. Simply enjoying the closeness we have, the us that we have created.

The End.