
Monday, October 22, 2012

The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard

I recently watched the film "The Untitled Work of Paul Shepard" (TUWOPS) a movie by writer/director Jeremy Lalonde.

From the films IMDB page:
A documentary filmmaker turns the camera on himself to examine the modern day relationship using his own past relationships to guide him. As filming progresses his producer starts to question how much is fact and how much is fiction.
The film stars Kris Holden-Ried, Mary Krohnert, Christine Horne, Alex Poch-Goldin, Zoie Palmer, Tricia Braun and Pat Mastroianni.

I only knew the basics about this film before watching it, so I didn't really have any expectations. I found it well written and the whole cast were excellent. It's funny (Zoie Palmers character Haley's "job" had me laughing so much I had to pause the film) and well paced - definitely worth seeing.

Jeremy is currently working on his next film "Sex After Kids" which if TUWOPS is any indication, will be another great film.

Check out the films official website here.
Follow the movie on twitter.
Follow writer/director Jeremy Lalonde on twitter.

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