
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Expensive at Half the Price (NR-17)

This is the first fan fiction I ever wrote, it's also the longest story I have ever written.  From memory I started writing it in about 2003.  It is currently incomplete and I've decided NOT to finish it.

Pairing:  Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay.
Summary:  This starts during Season 6, a few weeks after Willow has hurt Dawn in the car accident while driving under the influence.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was created by Josh Whedon and is Copyright © Mutant Enemy Productions and 20th Century Fox.

* * * *

Willow is in the kitchen fixing herself some lunch.

Today is a good day. Even though Dawn hasn’t said more than two words to me since the accident and Buffy isn’t much better, today is a good day. No uncontrollable shaking and hey look at me I am actually downstairs in the kitchen making food. The mere fact that the idea of eating something doesn’t make me want to puke makes this a super duper good day.

She is pulled from her thoughts by Buffy, who has been standing in the doorway watching her friend for the last five minutes “hey Will, good to see you up.”

Willow jumps at the sudden noise and turns to face Buffy, “hey yourself, thought I was home alone.” The two friends look at each other for a few minutes lost in their own thoughts.

Finally Buffy breaks the silence “Will . .” ok Summers time for some tough love “. . you’ve been doing really well the last few days. You know we’ve talked about this before I want you to move out. Now would be a good time I think as you are much stronger.” Well that sounded a bit harsher than I planned but nothing I can do about it now.

Willow’s expression is unreadable while she digests this. Well so much for my good day, but hey can’t blame her. I wouldn’t want to be around some psycho magic addict either, especially one that tries to kill my sister.

Turning away from Buffy and back to her lunch Willow picks up her plate and heads towards her room. As she walks passed Buffy she answers in a small voice “sure Buffy, I’ll be out by Monday.”

Buffy brushes away silent tears as she watches Willow head up the stairs. God damn it. I’ll go after her and tell her not to go. No, no I can’t do that, no matter how much I love her I can’t have her here anymore. I can’t let her hurt Dawn again. If Buffy was completely honest with her self she would also have added that she couldn’t bare to watch her friend in so much pain.

With a sign Buffy grabs her coat and heads out the door. She has a Scooby meeting to get to at the magic box.

* * * *

After hearing the front door close, Willow barely touches her food a faint stain in the carpet holding a sudden fascination for her. Way to go Rosenberg it’s official everyone hates you. They can’t even bare to look at you let alone be anywhere near you.

Glancing around the room a faint smile briefly appears on her lips as she remembers all the good things in her life. Correction, all the good things that were in your life before you went and ruined everything. You chased Tara off, the only person you ever truly loved. Not to mention all your friends who look at you like you have two heads.

Making a decision Willow pushes herself up off the bed and heads towards the bathroom. No time like the present, might as well get it over with while no ones here. It’s not like anyone is going to miss you anyway.

* * * *

As Buffy opens the door to the Magic Box the oppressive mood of the place hits her. Anya, Xander, Dawn and Tara are sitting around the table in silence, each looking like she felt. They all look up as they hear the door, the disappointment that she is alone showing on all their faces. Yeah I know I wish she was with me too.

Ever since the accident everyone has been mulling around as though there had been a death in the family, which in fact there nearly had been. Anya and Xander had been shocked at what Willow had done, not to mention angry. The thought of what has become of his friend makes Xander want to scream with rage.

Dawn had been hurt not just physically but also emotionally. She could not believe that someone she thought of as a sister could hurt her. She has hardly talked to Willow since that night, not because she hates her but because she just can’t understand and doesn’t know how to express it in words.

Buffy completely freaked out when she saw Dawn in pain because of what Willow had done. This is mixed with an almost all consuming guilt. How could Willow have gotten in such a bad way right under her own nose? Had she really been so caught up in her own problems to even notice her friend was in trouble?

And Tara. Well after Buffy had told her what had happened she had barely been able to resist the temptation to rush to Willow and hold her. Tara was furious with Willow but at the same time knowing that Willow was hurting was killing her inside.

Since the accident Tara has only seen Willow once. She had gone to the Summers house telling herself that she was checking on Dawn. While there she had seen Willow, although Willow had not seen her. The red head had been curled up in bed shaking uncontrollably with perspiration soaking both her clothes and the bedclothes. It had broken Tara’s heart to see her love that way and no matter how much she wants to, she just can’t bring herself to visit again.

Buffy joins them at the table, sitting down next to Dawn who asks the questions they all wanted to know the answers to, “Did you see Willow? How is she?”

Gee, ask me the easy questions why don’t you, like what time is it? Guilt once again feeling like a heavy weight on her heart Buffy smiles weakly at her friends. “She seemed ok. She was making herself some lunch as I was leaving.”

Xander smiles, “See there you go, Willow eating. Next thing you know she will be right back to normal. Well you know, as normal as she can get. .” well hey while my mouth is open might as well stick the other foot in ”. . I mean as normal as a magic addicted witch can be. Um I’m going to be shutting up right about now. Anya honey, help me out here.”

All eyes are on him for a moment before they all look away, lost in their own thoughts.

After several minutes everyone’s attention is again brought to Buffy. Ok might as well get this over with, no time like the present. “I talked to Will for a little bit before I came. She is going to move out of the house, She’ll be gone by Monday.”

This is followed by a stunned silence as four pairs of eyes are locked on the slayer. Well that went down well.

Tara is the first to speak “Ddid she say were she is going to go.” God please let her find a good place to go. Some place close so we, no so I can be near her.

“No, no she didn’t, the conversation kinda took a nose dive right after that.” Good one Buffy, you kick your best friend out of your house and you don’t even think about where she is going to go. And who is going to look after her.

Sounding more confident than she is feeling Dawn thinks aloud “She’ll be ok. She will go to her parents place to stay.”

For the first time Anya speaks, her tone rather indignant, “Don’t be stupid, she won’t go to her parents. They don’t get alone at all, especially after the whole I’m gay now admission. She would rather go and live on the streets or in a dumpster someplace than ask them for help.”

Not for the first time today the room falls into silence.

* * * *

Willow is standing in the middle of her bedroom surveying the mess that she has created. Clothes and other belongings are scattered over the bed and floor. Two boxes, a suitcase and a backpack are located near the bedroom door.

The suitcase is already closed, full to breaking point with clothes and shoes. Her backpack is also closed. It contains all her personal papers, some books and her trusty laptop. She is now in the process of packing the boxes with the rest of the belongings that she has decided to take with her.

At first she found it hard to decide what to take. Either sentiment, or her over logical brain talking her into taking everything that she saw or picked up. She soon realised that this was going to cause problems as her plan was to pack quickly and be gone before anyone got home.

In the end she settled on what she would take, abandoning what was left for anyone who wanted it. They will probably just throw it all out anyway, won’t want any Willow reminders hanging around. In her mind Willow knows she is being harsh on her friends but she found that if she thought that way it lessened the all-consuming pain of leaving her friends and Tara.

Once she had made up her mind a little over two hours ago she had felt free, but then the realisation of what she was doing sunk in and it took all of her strength to carry out her plan.

Willow Rosenberg wasn’t just moving out of the house she felt more at home in than any other place, she was leaving the town she had called home all her life and her family. Come on Will, don’t get cold feet and change your mind now. They will all be better off without you. If you’re far away from them there is no way that you can hurt them again. They will be safe.

Besides, you can’t back out now, you have already arranged for a cab. After looking at her watch Willow hurriedly throws the last of her belongings into the boxes and seals them up. Get a move on Will the cab will be here in twenty minutes.

Having finished packing and moving the boxes, suitcase and backpack to the front porch there is five minutes left before the cab is due to arrive.

As a final goodbye she had hastily written a farewell note to Buffy, Dawn, Xander and Anya. For Tara she had written a separate note, as what she wanted to say was far more personal than she was willing to share with the rest of her friends. Willow put the two letters on the coffee table in the living room as she figured that was the most likely place that they would see them.

Now there was only one thing left to do. Willow moved to the phone, picked up the receiver and dialled the number before she could change her mind. The phone seemed to ring forever before it was finally answered. Although she felt nervous Willow couldn’t help but smile as she heard the distinctive voice on the other end of the line, “Hey Giles, it’s Willow”.

* * * *

Giles is cleaning his glasses for the fourth time in fifteen minutes, staring at the telephone. The weight of the conversation he has just had with Willow making him feel uncomfortable, like when you eat far too much at a Christmas luncheon.

He had listened while Willow had talked, allowing her to say what she needed. At first Giles thought that Willow had called him because she was having some sort of panic attack. Since giving up magic Willow had often suffered from panic attacks and on a few occasions she had called him in the middle of the night. Giles soon realised that this was not one of those times. While there was a slight edge to her voice Willow sounded more like Willow than she had in a long time.

When Willow had said that she was leaving Sunnydale Giles had assumed she was calling to ask if she could come to England, come to him for help. He had in fact asked her if she wanted and stay with him, assuring her that she could stay as long as needed. When Willow had gently rejected his offer Giles had been surprised. If she isn’t going to come here, where and to whom is she going to go? This thought had resulted in his glasses being cleaned for the second time.

Willow had explained her reasons for leaving and while Giles wasn’t overly happy with the decision he couldn’t fault her reasoning. It was obviously a choice she had thought long and hard about and in a way Giles respected her for it.

Giles was determined to help any way he could. The best he could come up with at a pinch was to give Willow a contact that he knew. If anyone could help they could and now that the phone conversation was over Giles hoped that Willow would go to his friends.

Before she had said goodbye and hung up the phone Willow had made Giles promise not to contact the rest of the Scoobys for at least a day. She had said that it was to make sure that they didn’t find out and stop her from leaving before she had a chance to get out of town. Typical Willow, thinking of everything.

With that thought Giles removed his glasses and cleaned them for the fifth time.

* * * *

Willow arrived at the bus station undecided as to where she was going to go. Her only criteria for her destination being distance. It has to be far enough away so that she won’t be tempted to return and also far enough away so that her friends won’t be able to find her.

After considering all of her options Willow opens her backpack and removes a small piece of paper with a name, address and telephone number written on it. After much badgering from Giles during their brief telephone conversation she had finally agreed to write the details down. Now she was glad that she had because it gave her a starting point for her journey.

Ok so San Francisco isn’t so bad. I mean hey they are all up to speed on the whole gay love thing. This made her think of Tara, which only made her feel even more miserable. And just because I go there doesn’t mean I have to contact this person.

Finally having made up her mind she heads to the ticket booth.

* * * *

Dawn walks into the kitchen where Buffy is busy making breakfast. She looks at all the food on the counter. Gee we must be feeding a small African nation this morning “hey Buffy.”

Buffy answers without turning away from the stove where the last of the pancakes are nearly ready. “Good morning, I hope you are ready for some yummy breakfasty type goodness.” God I think I have had way too much coffee for this hour of the morning.

“Buffy how long have you been up for? There is enough food here to feed my entire school.”

“Yeah I know I got a little carried away. But I wanted everything to be perfect this morning.” It’s not every day you have all your friends over for breakfast to mark the occasion of you throwing your best friend out onto the streets. “And besides it’s not that early, the guys will be here any minute.”

“Well it’s just you know, given everyone’s mood last night I don’t think anyone is going to be overly hungry. Well everyone except Xander cause you know he is always hungry.”

The sisters share a giggle at the thought of Xander and his bottomless stomach. “On second thoughts Buffy, with Xander coming maybe you better get move food ready. I’m going to go have a shower, do you want me to wake Will up?”

“Nah, let her sleep a little longer, we’ll wake her when everyone gets here.”

* * * *

Freshly showered and doing up the last of the buttons on her shirt Dawn is making her way down the stairs when there is a knock at the door. “I got it.”

Dawn opens the door to reveal Xander, Anya and Tara. Standing aside to let them in they all exchange greetings before they make their way to the kitchen to see what Buffy is up to.

When they see the amount of food that Buffy has prepared they all look at the slayer stunned. A smile slowly spreads across Xanders face “gee Buff thanks for making me breakfast, what is everyone else having?”

At this the girls break into a fit of giggles, which helps to lighten the mood. “Well you know I hate for you to go hungry Xander. Ok since we are all here I think I will go wake Will up, why don’t you all make yourself comfy and I’ll bring her down.”

They all leave the kitchen, Buffy heading for the stairs and the rest making their way to the living room.

* * * *

Dawn makes herself comfy in a chair, Xander sits on the floor while Anya and Tara claim the couch.

As they are all glancing around the room trying to think of things to say Xander notices two envelops sitting on the coffee table. “Hey Dawn looks like you got some mail.” As he picks the envelopes up he recognises the handwriting and sees that the top one is addressed to himself, Buffy, Dawn and Anya. “Hey that’s Wills handwriting.” His confused tone gains the attention of the three girls who are now glancing between the letters in his hand and his face as if to understand what he is saying.

Looking closer Xander sees that the other envelope is addressed to Tara. What the hell would Will be doing writing us letters. As his thought process kicks into high gear fear and panic appear on his face. Oh my god no. Getting to his feet the look on his face and his actions have a chain reaction affect on the three women who also stand.

* * * *

Buffy starts humming as she climbs the stairs. Ok now, just suck it up and get those butterflies out of your stomach. This is Will we are dealing with here, not some evil vampire or demony thing. Reaching the door to Willows bedroom she pauses briefly before knocking. “Rise and shine sleepy head, time for some breakfasty type goodness.”

Getting no reply she knocks again only this time much louder. This time Buffy doesn’t bother waiting for a reply, instead she turns the door handle and pushes the door all the way open. “Come on Will don’t be shy.”

The first thing Buffy notices are clothes scattered on the bed. Hey her bed is made already. Glancing around the room she then sees more clothes and other belongings on the floor. Her closet is empty. “Hey Will, you doing a spot of spring cleaning or what?” Her bed is made and her closet is empty.

Walking around the bed towards the bathroom Buffy doesn’t even realise she is holding her breath. The panic obvious in her tone, her voice comes out in a whisper as she enters the empty bathroom “Will you in here?” Her bed is made, her closet is empty and she isn’t here damn it. Fighting back tears she turns and sprints for the stairs.

* * * *

Standing in the living room Xander, Anya, Tara and Dawn look towards the stairs as they hear rapid footsteps coming down them. Buffy stops just short of where the others are standing, “she isn’t up there, she’s gone.” They all stand in stunned silence for what seems an eternity.

After several minutes Tara sits down heavily on the couch holding her head in her hands, trying desperately to catch her breath and fight back tears. This is so wrong, it feels just so wrong “oh god no Will, please no.” Dawn sits down next to her and puts a comforting hand on her shoulder. “It’s ok Tara, I bet she just moved out early, she won’t have gone far.”

Buffy starts to pace as her thoughts leave her lips, “I know I told her to leave but why would she leave and not tell us? Why would she go in the middle of the night? You know Will, she’s big on the tell someone where you are going before you leave the house thing. She is the official Scooby safety girl.” Looking around at her friends Buffy can’t stop the panic rising from the pit of her stomach. Finally her gaze falls on Xander as he begins to turn even paler than he was when she first came down the stairs.

Xander waves the two letters around and looks at Buffy, “we found these on the coffee table, one is addressed to Tara and the other one is addressed to the rest of us.” His voice breaks as he finishes, “they’re from Will.”

Buffy takes the letters from Xander and sits on the couch on the other side of Tara. The others move to sit either on the floor or on chairs. Tara looks up as Buffy holds out the letter addressed to her. She takes the envelope but doesn’t open it. Oh god Will no, please, please don’t leave me. Don’t leave me here alone.

Turning the other envelope over in her hands Buffy hesitates before finally ripping it open. She swallows hard before starting to read out loud.

To my family,

Well by now you have figured out that I have left. I know writing a letter is a pretty lame way of saying goodbye but if I had to see you all in person to do it I wouldn’t be able to go through with it

Without even realising it I have turned into someone or should I say something that I don’t recognise. I know you all want to help me get back some semblance of who I used to be but it is something that I need to do by myself, you can’t do it for me.

I’m not leaving because I hate you guys, I love you all dearly and I know you all love me. I am leaving because I just can’t handle being here where everything I see and touch reminds me of what I have done. I guess it is karma that the place I feel the most loved is also the place that I feel the most dangerous both to myself and to all of you. Unfortunately I had to hurt Dawn to realise that.

I don’t know where I am going yet but I guess I will know where I am meant to be when I get there. Whether or not I will come back I can’t say, it will depend on whether or not I can slay my demons and be Willow again.

There is one thing I ask of you all and that is for you to take care of Tara. She is the best thing that ever happened to me and I love her with all that I am. The only way that I can bring myself to leave is the knowledge that you will all take care of her and that she will be loved and protected.

Please don’t hate me for leaving, I hope one day you can all understand that it is for the best for everyone.



Having held her tears back while reading the letter Buffy struggles to hold them in once she is finished. Oh Will you didn’t have to leave. This is my fault, I made you go. I made you feel that you have to get away from here. What am I going to do without you here? Looking around at her friends, Buffy’s gaze falls to Tara who is silently crying on the couch next to her. What is Tara going to do without you here?

As each of the five friends find a release through their tears Tara clutches her letter from Willow to her chest. She is afraid to open it in case she finds blame in its words. At the same time she is desperate to open it, to read what Willow has written, to imagine in her head the sound of her lovers voice as she says those words. I can’t stay here I need to be somewhere else. I need to be with Will, where I can get lost in her warmth, in her essence.

Before anyone else can move Tara stands and makes her way to the stairs. The others guess her intention. Dawn tries to say something, to make Tara come back and sit next to her so that she can hold the older girl and tell her it will be all right. But she is stopped by Buffys hand on her shoulder. “Just let her be for a minute. She just needs a minute, we all need just a minute.”

* * * *

Trying to sound enthusiastic and failing miserable the hotel clerk rattles off the features of the hotel, “and we have room service which operates twenty four hours a day in case you get hungry in the middle of the night.”

Having lost interest within thirty seconds of the clerk opening his mouth Willow smiles politely, “all that sounds great but I would really love to just you know go to my room and relax for a bit . .” and escape your company “. . it’s been a terribly long night and err day and I could use a little sleep.”

The clerk stops mid sentence and actually looks relieved, “oh that is no problem, you are in room 411, do you need help with your luggage?”

“Um no thanks I have one of those little trolley thingies so I’ll be fine.” That’s if I can figure out how to drive this thing.

As soon as Willow had arrived in San Francisco she had found the nearest hotel and booked in. When the clerk had asked her how long she was planning to stay, after a long silence she had said a week. A week should be long enough for me to get my bearings around here and decided what I am going to do next. The hotel wasn’t that expensive so her savings would well and truly cover it with plenty left over.

* * * *

Tara closes the door behind her and surveys what was once the bedroom she shared with Willow. It is not only filled with clothes, shoes and other belongings of her lovers, it is also filled with the smell and warmth of her. Briefly Tara closes her eyes and lets her other senses be bombarded with the thing she holds dearest, Willow.

Slowly Tara moves to the bed and lays down, gently moving the items that are sitting on it to one side. For a moment she is lost in her thoughts, thinking of all the times they had spent in the house and more specifically in this room.

Absently Tara picks up the closest thing to her, which happened to be one of Willows pyjama tops. Holding it to her face she feels the texture of the material and breaths in deeply, filling her lungs with Willows scent. She can’t help but smile as she remembers that last time she saw Willow wearing it.

They had been studying together downstairs when they had both been suddenly consumed with an urgent need to be together, to feel the others skin against their own. Leaving a bemused Dawn behind they had bolted up the stairs, slamming their bedroom door as soon as they had entered the room. What followed was a night filled with love mixed with pure lust and desire.

It had often been that way. They would be doing normal everyday things when they would both be consumed with the need to touch each other, to express their love in the most physical way they could. On this occasion their desire was so heated that Tara had ripped the pyjama top off Willow sending several buttons flying.

Thudding back to earth with the thought that she may never see, let alone touch her lover again Tara stares at the envelope with her name on it. Slowly she turns the envelope over and opens it, removing the letter while her heart seems to be beating a million miles an hour.

My Tara,

This is the most painful thing I have ever had to do in my life, say goodbye to you. Tare you are my love, my always and yet I know that I do not deserve to be the same to you. While you have brought me great happiness all I have done to you is bring you pain and sadness, for that I deserve to suffer.

Looking back with a new found clarity I can see that you tried, tried to save me from myself and I didn’t see. I was too busy being Willow the wonder Witch to even notice that I was destroying everything because of the fact I was wrapped up in my own importance and power.

Unfortunately I had to hurt those that I love more than anything else in the world before I realised.

I don’t want to go. In some ways leaving seems to be the cowards way out but I know that if I am to become Willow again I have to do it on my own. Plus my desire to stay is far outweighed by my fear of physically hurting someone, especially you.

I desperately want to come back to you, but I can only do that if I have myself back, please try to understand that. Please don’t be mad or hate me. That I couldn’t stand.

No matter where I am I will always be thinking of you, remembering everything about you and us. The way you smell and taste, the way it feels to make love with you and the joy of waking up in your arms. I ask you to remember all the good things and try not to think too much about the bad.

Love always,


Tara folds the letter and puts it back in the envelope, her tears falling unchecked. Laying back on the bed she grabs one of the pillows and hugs it close to her body breathing in Willow with every breath. Slowly her tears diminish until she is no longer crying, she knows. I know you are going to be fine baby, I don’t know how, but I know it. One day you will come back to me and I will wait for as long as it takes.

* * * *

Willow has a look of complete shock on her face. Holy cow this place is huge. As she looks at the piece of paper and then at the house number her jaw drops open. Yep this is the right place and boy is it huge. There must be at least twenty bedrooms. Well ok, maybe not twenty but there must be lots of them. After several minutes of looking at what is the biggest house Willow has ever seen she finally manages to convince her feet to move. Slowly she makes her way up the stairs to the front porch.

Having rang the doorbell Willow patiently waits, having finally managing to close her mouth and get over the shock. Suddenly the door swings open revealing an attractive blonde woman several years older than herself. “Hello, can I help you?”

Willow tries several times to speak before she finally manages to reply with her voice barely above a whisper, “hi, my name is Willow. Rupert Giles suggested I look you up.” Well done Will, you might as well hold up a sign that says dork alert on it.

A look of recognition flashes across the woman’s face and before Willow can make another attempt at introducing herself she stands aside and motions for Willow to enter the house. “Hi Willow, my name is Samantha but you can call me Sam if you like.”

Glancing at the piece of paper again Willow looks up at Sam who is smiling at her. Oh she is waiting for me to say something, DUH. “Err hi, hello again. Is Jade here cause Giles said she was the person to see.” That’s it Will, impress her with your verbal skills.

“She sure is sweetie. Why don’t you follow me into the living room and I’ll go and grab her for you.”

Sam moves off in the direction of the living room without waiting for a reply. Willow gently closes the door and follows close behind. As she makes her way through the house Willow is suddenly aware of a feeling of great power. This place is kinda creepy. Big and creepy. Do you feel that power? It seems to be flowing through the house. Ok now who the hell are you talking to Will? Get a grip girl before this woman calls the men in white coats.

As they enter the living room Willows thoughts move to the blonde woman in front of her. You know from behind Sam reminds me of Tara. Yeah right Will, you miss her so much you thought the doorman at the hotel reminded you of her and he’s six foot tall with a pot belly.

Her thoughts are interrupted as Sam speaks, “make yourself at home sweetie, I’ll just go and get Jade for you.”

See Sam called you sweetie, just like Tara does. And they have similar builds too. I mean no one has curves like Tara, especially her delicious hips and the way her butt . . Willow is pulled from her thoughts by approaching footsteps. Get a grip Rosenberg. Focus, you need to focus.

Sam re enters the living room followed by a brunette who Willow assumes to be Jade. The woman smiles broadly trying to make her visitor fell more at ease. “Hi Willow, I’m Jade, nice to meet you.” As Willow greets Jade in return she is again filled with a sense of great power filling the house. Making eye contact with Jade her stomach does a somersault. It’s not the house it’s her. Oh my god, breath Willow don’t forget to breath.

Sam and Jade share a quick glance as a look of panic spreads across the face of the redhead. Jade quickly covers the distance between herself and Willow, gently pushing their visitor back until she gratefully sinks down on the couch. “It’s ok Willow the feeling will pass, just try to relax and don’t forget to breathe.” The poor girl, it looks like her head is about to explode.

Kneeling in front of Willow, Jade continues, “Giles called me a couple of days ago and explained everything. I think I know why you are here and if you let us we will help you in anyway that we can. Ok?”

Willow simply nods while desperately trying to catch her breath before she crosses the line between breathlessness and hyperventilating.

* * * *

It has been a week since Willow left and the Scoobys have been doing it tough. Luckily for them they have spent the greater part of the week fighting the latest big bad who actually turned out to be more of a big sad.

The gang are at the Summers residence relaxing with some movies and take out. On the day that they had discovered that Willow had left they had all had a long discussion on what to do. Buffy and Xander had been all for tracking Willow down and bringing her home. In the end Tara had been the one who made them see sense.

She had told them that even if they knew where to start looking, bringing Willow home against her will would only make matters worse. So in the end they had all decided that they would let Willow do what she felt she needed and for them to carry on with their own lives until she came home.

While each of them missed Willow terribly they all agreed that she would return when she was ready. At first Xander, Buffy, Dawn and even Anya weren’t too confident they would see their friend again but Tara’s confidence that Willow would come home rubbed off on them.

Out of everyone surprisingly it is Tara who has coped the best, or so it appears to the others. Since that first day none of them have seen her cry. Sure she has been sad but she also has an incredibly optimistic outlook on the whole thing. Tara had even been the one to call Giles and tell him the news. At first she was thrown by the fact that Giles already knew to which he explained that he had spoken to Willow just prior to her leaving. Needless to say when Tara filled her friends in on the details later on Buffy had been about to call Giles back and give him a piece of her mind.

It had taken Tara a good ten minutes to explain to Buffy that this would do no good and that Giles had just been complying with Willows wishes that he not say anything until she had had enough time to leave town.

As the friends sit in the living room watching the first movie the girls are mentally kicking themselves for letting Xander pick which one they would watch first. Watching Star Wars again was not high on any of their lists of things to do before they turned thirty. Xanders incredibly bad imitations of Darth Vader were also wearing a little thin.

Not quite halfway through the movie Buffy has had enough, silently motioning to Tara for her to follow as she stands. As Tara enters the kitchen she sees Buffy pouring them both a drink. Handing the orange juice to Tara Buffy quickly appraises her friend before speaking. “Are you doing ok?” The two women look at each other before Tara finally answers, “to be honest I’m a mess.” Smiling weakly at Buffy she continues, “not having her here, not being with her is all kinds of bad.” Wow way to use those verbal skills Tara. For my next trick, talking and breathing at the same time. “I mean I’m sure that she will come back when she is ready but I want her here now, not in a month, or a year. I want to see her now, to hold her and share her life.”

Buffy listens to Tara, nodding in silent agreement, feeling her own pain for her best friends absence burn brightly in her heart. Putting down her drink the slayer quickly moves forward and hugs Tara to her. “Tara, Dawn and I have been talking and we want you to move back in.” Seeing that her friend is about to reply Buffy continues to speak, cutting Tara off, “we both miss you and want you here so we can all look out for each other.” Ok Summers that sounded like the most lame excuse for getting her to move back in that I have ever heard, way to go.

Tara is lost in thought for a moment, thinking of how much the sisters have come to mean to her since they first met. One thing about the Scooby’s, once you are friends you are friends for life. Leaning in to hug Buffy tight Tara answers, “I would love to move back in. Being in our room again will be kind of weird without Will but being near you guys would be good for me.”

The girls finally break their embrace, smiling at one another. Buffy reaches for her drink as a serious look appears on her face. Turning towards Tara Buffy grabs her by the hand, pulling her towards the living room, “come on Tara we had better get back or Dawn will send out a search party for us. And if Xander doesn’t stop with the stupid Darth Vader impressions I am going to have to kick his ass from here ‘til next week.”

* * * *

Two years later

Ok this is really trying my patience. Buffy is pacing between the window and a row of uncomfortable airport seats where Anya, Dawn and Xander are seated all staring off into space.

Tara makes her way back to the group after checking with the counter staff, “they said the plane is making its final approach now so it shouldn’t be much longer.” Heck it is only an hour late, what is a few more minutes of plastic chair torture.

As if confirming what Tara had been told, an announcement is made over the airports PA system that the flight has landed. Despite being tired and a little grumpy the Scoobys jump to their feet at the news and make there way to the gate.

Giles sees his welcoming party before they see him. Well actually he sees the large sign with Welcome Home Giles painted on it first, it was impossible to miss. Good lord.

His friends all seem to see him at once and they instantly converge on him as one. As he is engulfed in a group hug Giles suddenly knows what a sheep must feel like when being hunted by a pack of wolves. Good lord. “Hello everyone, it is good to see you all.”

It is the first time since before Willow left that they have seen each other, a fact that is not lost on any of them. After exchanging greetings they all head off to collect the rest of Giles’ luggage.

Some four hours after first arriving at the airport a weary Scooby gang enter the Summers house. They had brought some take out on the way home so after Giles has put his luggage upstairs they all sit down to eat.

The next thirty minutes is spent making small talk and picking at the food. No one is eating that much, well no one except Xander who never seems to have trouble eating.

Everyone at the table is skirting around the one issue, the one person that they really want to talk about, Willow. After leaving she has stayed in contact with Giles, all be it irregular contact.

Giles would fill Willow in on everything that had happened to her friends. He had heard the relief in the redheads voice when he had told her that Tara had moved in with Buffy and Dawn. He also heard the concern in her voice whenever he told her about the latest big bad that they were fighting.

In return Giles had told the rest of the Scooby gang any news that he had about Willow. Early on he had had to gloss over some of the details and on some occasions down right lie because initially Willow had struggled hard.

Giles had not passed on some of the details as he feared the affects such information would have on her friends, especially the pain that it would cause Tara.

Once, approximately six months after leaving Willow had even called her friends. Unfortunately no one had been home as everyone was out fighting vampires so Willow had left a brief and what she hoped was a reassuring message on the answering machine.

After hearing Willows voice her friends had been on cloud nine for weeks. For Tara it had also silenced the aching loneliness she felt inside, well for a little while anyway. For the next few weeks following the phone call Tara had dreamt about Willow even more so than usual. Mostly her dreams consisted of vivid memories, images of her and Willow talking, touching, making slow lingering love and having hot needy sex.

As everyone listens to Giles describe his flight Anya rolls her eyes and decides to jump in with both feet. “Ok excuse me Giles. While your flight sounds exciting I think what everyone here really wants to talk about is a certain redhead.”

All eyes are on Anya as she slowly looks around the table, meeting each person’s gaze as though challenging them to deny it. “Oh come on, you all are dying to ask him, don’t tell me you aren’t.”

Everyone is silent as five pairs of eyes turn to focus on Giles expectantly. Removing his glasses and starting to polish them Giles once again understands the feeling of a sheep being hunted by a pack of wolves. Good lord. Finally Tara asks what they all want to know, “Giles have you talked to her? How is she?”

Putting his glasses back on Giles can’t stop a small smile appearing, “well actually yes I have spoken to Willow. We have spoken several times over the last three months.” Ok now Rupert be careful what you tell them, you promised Willow you wouldn’t give too much away.

Without waiting for anyone to reply Giles continues, “you should all be proud of her, she is doing well, very well indeed.”

As Giles looks around the table he sees looks of pure joy on the five faces before him, even Anya seems remarkably happy at the news.

None of his friends ask him to elaborate they are all lost in their own thoughts for a moment. Not surprisingly each persons thoughts have a common theme. If Willow is doing good that must mean that she will be coming home and hopefully soon.

* * * *

“Gee Will, how much stuff have you got in here?” Jade is struggling to lift a large suitcase into the back of the car. “I seem to remember you moving in with a lot less stuff than this Willow Rosenberg.”

As Willow throws her backpack into the back of the car she can’t resist teasing her friend. “Hey what can I say, retail therapy has played a big part in my recovery.”

Moving towards the front passenger side of the car Sam can’t help but laugh at her lover and friend. If these two were anymore alike I’d have to say that someone out there is cloning humans. “Now Jade honey if I’m not mistaken you actually helped Will buy most of that stuff so don’t go complaining now.”

Jade rolls her eyes “well I hope you don’t expect me to unload all this stuff for you when we get there.” Willow just flashes Jade a you bet I do smile as she gets into the back seat and closes the door.

Jade looks at Sam and shakes her head as they both climb into the front seat “great, hi my name is Jade Thomas removalist extraordinaire, no suitcase too big or too small.”

The three women crack up laughing as Jade starts the car and reverses out the driveway. “You better just hope this new place of yours doesn’t have too many stairs to walk up or else I’ll be charging you extra.”

* * * *

Tara and Dawn are putting the finished touches on a picnic basket when there is a knock at the door. Buffy races down the stairs answering it before Giles has a chance. “Hey Xander, come in.”

“Hey Buffy, Giles. Are you guys ready to get this show on the road? Anya is waiting in the car and you know how she gets if she has to wait.”

Before Buffy or Giles can answer Dawn and Tara appear from the kitchen carrying the basket between them. “Oh food, excellent. Anya and I brought some blankets for us all to sit on and I also packed some games to keep us busy and to work off some of that picnicy goodness.”

Shortly after Giles had arrived he had suggested that the gang go on a picnic. The Scoobys had been excited by the idea, setting a date for the following Saturday. They all saw it as a chance to relax and break away from their usual existence of research and bad guy fighting.

Arriving at the park just before noon the gang secure a nice spot under a rather large tree, not far from the playground. Everyone helps to get set up and before long they are all settled on the blankets, passing around food.

For the tenth time since arriving Giles checks his watch, an act that doesn’t go unnoticed by Xander. “You know Giles, looking at your watch every 5 seconds isn’t going to make time go any faster.”

Giles simply smiles at Xander as he sees a car pulling up in the car park next to where they themselves parked. The group look at Giles as though he has just grown another head as he stands and faces them, a very un-Giles like smile plastered on his face.

Buffy can’t resist “what’s the matter Giles, you sit on an ants nest? I can’t remember the last time I saw you move so fast.” The rest of the gang can’t contain their laughter as they see the shocked expression on the ex watchers face.

Giles quickly recovers and addresses the group, his tone very serious “Now everyone, the reason I wanted to have this picnic is because I have a surprise for you all.” Now don’t get too excited Rupert.

Everyone’s attention is on Giles as their curiosity gets the better of them. “I want you all to close your eyes and don’t open them until I say.”

Buffy and Anya groan their frustration, Anya also putting hers into words, “come on just give us the present and cut the boring eye closing stuff.”

Giles stands his ground. “No, you have to close your eyes or it won’t be a surprise.”

Seeing that Giles won’t back down, the group close their eyes and wait patiently, surrounded by silence. The only sound that is heard is the distant opening and closing of car doors.

“This better be good Giles or I’ll use my slayer strength to kick your butt.”

Giles watches the approaching figures and smiles. As the others have their eyes closed all they hear is approaching footsteps. Buffy turns her head towards the sound, her slayer instincts automatically kicking in. Three people coming this way.

As the visitors pass the group heading towards where Giles is standing Tara smells a subtle and familiar scent. She draws in a deep breath as a series of memories are triggered by the smell. Oh Goddess that smells just like her. I must be going crazy but oh god it smells just like her.

Mere seconds pass in what feels like an age for the Scooby gang before they finally hear Giles speak. “Ok everyone, open your eyes.”

Five pairs of eyes snap open. As they slowly adjust to the bright light of the day they see two strangers one standing either side of Giles. Also standing next to Giles, in between the new comers is someone they all know very well. Willow.

Moving almost as one the Scoobys stand, their shock obvious on their faces. No one speaks as the realisation of what is happening sinks in.

Willow looks at each of her friends in turn, her eyes finally falling on Tara who returns her gaze. Almost losing herself in pools of blue Willow finally manages to speak, saying the only thing that her brain can come up. “Surprise!”

* * * *

Everything seems to fade as Tara and Willow appraise each other. They both explore the other with their eyes, noting the changes that have taken place since the last time they saw each other.

Tara’s thoughts are racing a million miles an hour. Oh Goddess she looks so good, so healthy and . . well . . sexy. Last time I saw her she looked so thin and sick. Her hair is shorter than before, it is almost the same length it was when we first met. And oh she looks so beautiful I want to touch her. I want to hold her close and feel her against me. Tara feels herself blush but she doesn’t care because Willow is back.

Willow notices Tara blushing. Oh god she looks so beautiful. Her hair is longer and oh Goddess she is oh so sexy and curvy.

Willow is brought out of her thoughts by Giles who has moved to stand in front of her. “It’s so good to see you Willow.” Looking into the former watches eyes Willow sees his love and affection for her. “It’s good to see you too Giles.” Before she has a chance to finish the sentence Giles wraps his arms around her and hugs her tight.

This opens the flood gates as Xander, Buffy and Dawn all rush forward to come together in a tight group hug, with Willow in the middle.

Feeling very much like the meat in a sandwich Willow savours the warmth of her friends embrace. Taking a deep breath her stress and anxiety leave her body as she exhales. They don’t hate me, thank god they don’t hate me.

As the friends step back from the hug each of their faces shows their pure joy at being together again.

Seeing her chance Anya steps forward and hugs Willow tightly for several seconds before stepping away and moving next to Xander who puts an arm around her.

Lastly Willow turns to face Tara. She looks so beautiful and sexy and huggable. Swallowing hard she takes a tentative step towards her ex lover.

Blue eyes look into pools of green seeing compassion, love, wisdom and longing. That is not all she sees, Tara also sees the person that she first fell in love with – her Willow.

As the two women gaze into each other’s eyes they close the distance between them, seemingly unaware of the movement until they are standing several inches apart. While the others know they are intruding on a very private moment by watching, no one can take their eyes away from the blond and red head in front of them.

After what seems like forever Tara tilts her head to the side and flashes Willow one of her famous crooked smiles, her eyes sparkling.

Willow can’t stop a beaming smile from appearing on her face as the two women move at the same time to embrace. “It’s so good to see you Will, I missed you so much.” “I missed you so much too Tara.”

Both women cling to each other, savouring the smell, touch and warmth of the other. Finally they break their embrace and turn to face the others. Jade and Anya are both looking at the two of them with huge smiles plastered on their faces while the others all seem to be concentrating on the same blade of grass.

Gently taking Tara’s hand Willow leads her over to where Jade, Sam and the others are standing. “Everyone, I would like to introduce you to the people who have been helping me while I’ve been gone.”

Indicating each person in turn Willow begins the introductions. “Everyone, this is Sam and Jade. Guys this is Dawn, Buffy, Xander, Anya and you already know Giles.” Taking a step closer to Sam and Jade to bring Tara closer to them Willow completes the introductions. “And this is Tara.”

After greetings are exchanged Giles moves to Jade and Sam and hugs them both warmly. “It is so good to see you both again.”

As both women smile fondly at the ex watcher Sam answers for both of them, “Thank you Rupert, it is great to see you again, you are looking very well.”

Willow smiles to herself as she watches the three of them, “hey Giles, you won’t believe the trouble I had convincing Sam and Jade to come back with me. In the end I had to resort to using emotional blackmail and even begging.”

Jade rolls her eyes sureee before answering. “Yeah Giles you should have seen it, it wasn’t a pretty sight. But in the end we couldn’t resist coming to see you again and to meet Will’s family.”

After a brief silence Dawn suggest that everyone sits down and has some lunch. Sitting in a circle around the food everyone takes a moment to get comfy and to collect his or her thoughts and emotions.

Looking at the food Jades mouth begins to water. “Wow this all looks so good.” Sam and Willow share a look and begin laughing. Jade looks from one to the other. “What?”

The rest of the Scooby’s look on bewildered, although the sound of Willows laughter is music to their ears.

Sam places a hand on Jades knee, “sweetie, I know the picnic looks great but I think it would be a good idea to leave some food for everyone else.”

Seeing an opportunity to tease her friend Willow can’t resist. “I swear Jade eats more than Xander on a good day. I can’t believe you manage to stay so thin.” Jade blushes bright red as she munches on a chicken sandwich, throwing part of the crust at Willow in way of revenge.

Tara watches the exchange and can’t help but smile. Goddess Willow is home, my Willow is back.

Watching the interaction between Sam and Jade, Anya’s curiosity gets the better of her as she directs her question to the women. “So are you two orgasm buddies? Xander and I are orgasm buddies.”

Jade stops eating mid chew, her mouth open. Sam can’t fight back her laughter, partly at Anya’s directness and partly because of the look on Jades face. Meanwhile the rest of the Scooby’s merely roll their eyes letting out a collective groan.

Jade recovers quickly. “Well yes we are . . um . . orgasm buddies.” And I thought Willow was kidding when she told us about Anya.

Anya leans slightly towards Jade I knew it!! “And you are a witch too right? I mean I can feel the power absolutely pouring off you and I know it’s not Sam.” Everyone is still, waiting for Jade to answer.

Willow and Sam share a glance and look at Jade waiting to see how she will respond. “Well yes I did practice magic but that was a long time ago. I don’t really cast anymore, mainly just to maintain my control.”

Tara blinks several times and then concentrates on Jade. She had been so caught up in the fact that Willow was back that she hadn’t felt and seen what was now so obvious. The amount of power that was coming from Jade was almost overwhelming. At first Tara had thought that the power she felt was Willow but now she could see that she was very wrong. The redhead was powerful but what Tara was feeling makes Willow seem like a lame beginner.

Inhaling a deep breath Tara manages to suppress the uneasy feeling that was beginning to grain control. It will be ok. If Giles knows her and trusts her then it must be ok. She also helped Will so it will be just fine.

* * * *

After a brief silence following the revelation that Jade was a witch and from what the Scooby’s could gather a rather powerful one at that everyone started to relax again and enjoy the day.

Anya had taken great delight in telling Willow and their new friends about her and Xanders wedding day, including the number of times that they had sex on their wedding night. This final detail nearly caused Jade to choke on her drink, requiring Sam to repeatedly and rather firmly slap her on the back.

The ex demon had then told them all about how well the Magic Box was doing and the success that Xander was hoping to have with his own construction company. During this part Jade hadn’t been brave enough to drink just in case Anya threw in some more details that fell into the way-too-much-information category. I like her. She says what she thinks and is kind of quirky in a capital Q kind of way.

Dawn and Buffy then filled Willow in on how well college was going. Buffy had decided to go back to college and study psychology part time. She figured that since she was already working as a counsellor at the high school she might as well get the piece of paper to go with it.

Dawn proudly announced that she was getting good marks and hoped to graduate to be the best vet around. She also seized the opportunity to ask for Willows help on some of her homework. The youngster figured that since Willow is the smartest person she has ever met she might as well use it to her advantage.

Giles had briefly filled everyone in on what he had been doing, which by his own admission wasn’t that much. He had been doing some work for the council but mainly providing the Scooby’s with information when they needed help.

Tara had then talked about what she had been up to. She had graduated with very good marks and had been lucky enough to get a job at the Sunnydale Museum. The main part of her job was to catalogue all the items that were on display when they first arrived.

This got Sam’s attention as she too works in a museum. The two women then started to compare notes and talk about art almost lost in their own private conversation. The two of them were excited as they both loved art and while their friends appreciated it they don’t know enough about it to really discuss it like they were now with each other.

There was also a feeling of restlessness amongst the group. Soon Willow would fill them in on what she had been doing the last two years and while everyone was enjoying the conversations going on what they really wanted to hear about was their friend.

Jade could tell that the natives were getting a little restless and after briefly telling everyone about the restaurant and nightclub that she owns she decided to put them all out of their misery and lead into the much anticipated topic of the day.

“Of course when Will arrived managing them took a backseat for awhile.” Looking at the people sitting around her Jade knew she instantly had their attention as soon as she mentioned the redhead’s name.

Willow felt calmer than she thought she would when the conversation turned to her. She knew part of it was because she was sitting next to Tara, but it was also due to the new strength and confidence she had gained during her time away.

While Sam and Jade have often told Willow that she had been the one to stop using magic and reclaim herself she knew that if it had not been for them being there she wouldn’t have been able to do it.

If anyone is going to do this it should be me. They should hear it in my words. Before anyone else can speak Willow takes a deep breath, looks around at her family and begins. “When the accident happened everything crumbled, it all just caved in on me and I couldn’t fight it, I couldn’t breath.” Everyone is quiet, their attention focused on their friend. They all know Willow well enough to know that she would want to tell them, want them to know it all. Even Anya knew to let her friend talk, not to interrupt or speak until she was done.

“Everyone I saw, everything I touched reminded me of what I had done, what I had become.” Turning to Tara the redhead continues. “Especially in our room, everything reminded me that I had lost you, driven you away. I could smell you and feel you everywhere but I couldn’t leave. I guess I was waiting. Waiting to be punished or maybe just waiting to die.”

Willow looks down as she feels Tara take her hand and give it a little squeeze. Their fingers remain entwined as she continues. “After a while I realised that to try and get me back again I had to go somewhere that wouldn’t remind me of it all. That’s when I got my stuff and left.”

The Scooby’s remember the day they realised that Willow had gone and for a moment the pain is back. Buffy comforts Dawn who has started to cry, while the others, including Sam and Jade, are losing their own battles to keep their tears at bay.

“Giles had given me Jades name and contact details when I spoke to him just before I left. In the end I figured that I might as well go to her for help because I didn’t fully trust my judgement when it came to what I should do next.” Willows voice broke on the final words of the sentence as her tears started falling unchecked. Tara moved to gently rub her back with her spare hand.

Seeing her friend is struggling to continue Sam decides to tell part of the details until Willow is able to go on. “When Will first came to us I think it is fair to say she was a mess. We moved her into the house so we could be near her 24 hours a day if she needed us. Lucky she did move in because quite often she did.” Willow offers her friends an apologetic smile as she listens to Sam speak.

“At first the withdrawal was very hard on her. The tremors, the nightmares and seizures all took their toll and a couple of times she really had Jade and I worried.” Tara stiffens and then looks hard at Sam for a second to make sure she heard her correctly. “W-w-wait a minute. S-s-seizures, what s-s-seizures.” She hadn’t meant to interrupt but in all the time that Giles had provided them updates on Willow he had never mentioned seizures. If he didn’t tell us about these what else didn’t he tell us about.

The rest of the Scoobys must have been thinking the same thing because suddenly Giles has several pairs of eyes glaring at him. “I thought it best to keep some of the . . err . . details to myself, I didn’t want to worry any of you unnecessarily.”

Buffy opens her mouth to give Giles what for but before she has a chance to speak Tara asks for more information. “S-s-so these seizures, where they bad? And what exactly h-h-happened during them?” Sam and Willow both had their heads down, not wanting to see the hurt and concern on the faces of the group.

After a short silence Jade is the one to explain. “Well some are pretty mild but most of them are very intense and painful. All the muscles in your body begin to spasm or tighten and your heart and brain feel like they are going to explode. It’s also very hard to breath which is the main worry because it is possible to stop breathing altogether.” Glancing around at the group Jade hopes that she hasn’t freaked anyone out but she knows that it is best that everyone know what their friend has gone through.

After several minutes Dawn finds her voice as the pain she feels for her surrogate sister turns to fear. “So do you have these seizures anymore?” Before Willow has a chance to answer Xander throws another question at her. “Will, when was the last time you had one of these things.”

Willow swallows hard, tightening her grip on Tara’s hand as she answers. “Well firstly, it is possible that I will keep having them, there is no way to tell for sure if they are gone. And Xander the last one I had was about five weeks ago.” Everyone falls silent as they each process this information in their own way.

The realisation of how much Willow has gone through to get back to herself hits the Scoobys hard and suddenly none of them are sure if they are ready to hear all the details of what she has suffered. There is an air of silent agreement amongst all present that this isn’t the time or place for this conversation. Everyone wants to simply enjoy Willow being home without the emotional roller coaster ride of how she got there.

Maybe they are being selfish but Willow had only been back for a few hours and they want to celebrate, not wallow in pain that could surely wait just a little while longer at least.

Tara has resumed rubbing Willows back while her other hand remains clasped in the redheads. They had both started to relax and Willow had moved to lean into Tara with her head resting on the blondes shoulder. As always they are drawn towards each other but today is more intense than either of them can remember. Their love and concern for each other is there but the main element urging them together is their need. Their intellectual, emotional and physical need for each other.

Seeing Tara and Willow together has a calming affect on their friends who resume their chatter from earlier in the day.

All too soon for everyone it is time to leave. It will be dark soon and Sunnydale being Sunnydale it is so much better for your health to be inside once the sun goes down. Reluctantly everyone helps to pack up and they head off towards the cars. Willow and Tara walk hand in hand near the back of the group. It is as though they are afraid to let go of each other in case this is a wonderful dream where they will wake up as soon as they let go.

Arriving at the car park everyone is reluctant to make a move. Buffy is suddenly hit by a thought, “say have you guys got a place to stay? We can always make room at the hotel deSummers for you.” Willow chuckles softly, “actually Buffy we are ok, Jade and Sam are staying at my place.” Xander is impressed, “hey Will has a place, how cool.” And seeing as she has a place that must mean that she is here to stay, I’m liking this day more and more. The rest of the gang smile broadly as similar thoughts cross their minds.

Tara suddenly feels light headed. Oh Goddess she is staying Willow feels her sway slightly and leans in to whisper, “baby are you ok?” Taking a deep, calming breath Tara smiles broadly, “I’m great sweetie, just great.” If I was Buffy I’d be doing one of her rather odd looking victory dances right about now.

After agreeing to meet up the next day Willow, Jade and Sam head off to Willows place while the others leave for the Summers residence, each person reviewing the days events during the short journeys. Today hadn’t been just another day on the Hellmouth, it had been a joyous, scream it out loud so the whole world can hear kind of day. Tonight there would be very little sleep had by all as their excitement about meeting up again the next day would make it impossible.

* * * *

Jade, Willow and Sam are sitting on the couch in Willows living room drinking coffee and happily chatting about the days events.

“Guys I think you better pinch me because I am sure that this is all a dream and I will wake up any minute back in San Francisco having another freak out session.” Jade is about to grant Willows request when a warning look from Sam stops her, instead she lays her hand on the redheads shoulder. “Will, they are amazing people. I can see why you love them all so much.”

Sam decides to be a little more direct than her lover, “Will, she is lovely. From all that you told us about Tara I thought you must have been exaggerating even just a little but I can see you were right. And it was obvious that she is so in love with you.”

Willow takes a deep breath, holds it in for a few seconds and then lets it out. “You think so? I mean because I really couldn’t tell for sure. She is very caring and sympathetic so she could have been just you know, being caring and sympathetic to a friend. To me as a friend, not as a lover.”

Jade and Sam both know where this is headed, a full-blown no taking prisoners Willow babble. Squeezing Willows shoulder slightly Jades cuts her off before she can continue. “Will, it is clear to me, Sam and probably everyone else on the planet that she loves you. I know you are scared that things won’t work out between you. You both have a lot of talking to do but you love her and she loves you so as far as I can see you are more than half way there.”

* * * *

Tara had just slipped under the covers when there is a soft knock on her door. Smiling to herself she answers “Come in.” I wondered how long it would take them. As the door opens Buffy and Dawn enter both looking like a pair of excited five year olds on Christmas eve.

Without a word the Summers girls climb into the bed, one either side of Tara. Since Tara had moved back in this had been something they occasionally did, especially when the pain of Willows absence became too much. They would talk and comfort each other until sleep finally took over. But tonight was far different, they were celebrating Willows return and as there was a good chance that they would get very little, if any sleep at all tonight it seemed like the natural thing to do.

Buffy is the first to speak. “What a day huh? Fancy Giles knowing the whole time and not letting on. Who would have thought he had a poker face after all.”

Dawn can’t contain her excitement. “Did you see her? I mean of course you both saw her, but I mean did you see how good she looked. So healthy and goofy, you know she looked like Will again.”

Tara runs images of the day through her head as her smile threatens to take over her face, “she did look good.” Oh Goddess she looked better than good. So beautiful, sexy and touchable. Her smile and those eyes, I could get lost in those eyes.

Dawn notices Tara’s slightly flushed complexion and grins, “Well I guess once you two start with the kissage again we will have to stop having our little slumber parties because I don’t think we could fit four in here. And besides I bet you two could think of better things to do in here alone.”

Buffy's jaw drops open and her eyes bulge threatening to pop out of her head. “Dawn!!”

“Oh come on Buffy, they are crazy about each other. They will be back together in no time, right Tara?”

Tara thinks for a moment before answering. “Well I hope we do Dawnie, I love her so much and I hope she still loves me but we have a lot to sort out and talk through.”

Buffy can’t believe her ears. “What do you mean you hope she still loves you, which picnic were you at today? I have known Will a long time and if there is one thing I know for certain it is that she is so in love with you. I mean the way she was looking at you today, it just rubber stamped it.”

* * * *

Sam and Jade are sitting on Willow’s couch getting dizzy. They have been watching the redhead pace backwards and forwards in front of them for fifteen minutes. The two women had at first thought that Willow’s nervousness was cute but as their friend worked herself into a frenzy Sam and Jade began to worry.

Unable to stand it anymore Jade jumps up and stands in Willow’s way, pulling her in for a hug. “Will, come on it will be fine. There is no need to get your self so worked up. It’s just Tara coming over not some demon thing trying to open the Hellmouth.”

Willow looks at Jade as if she has just gone completely insane. “Just Tara coming over. What do you mean just Tara coming over? Are you crazy? We are talking about Tara being in my house. Tara in my house with me. Tara and Willow in Willow’s house and we are going to be ALL alone. As in Tara and Willow and no one else.”

Willow stops to catch her breath giving Jade a chance to try and stop the speeding train that is Willow babble. “Will take it easy.”

Seeing Willow’s panic still etched on her face Jade looks at Sam and silently begs for help. Of the two lovers Sam has always been much better at comforting people. Jade tends to get easily frustrated with her inability to instantly make things better, especially when it involves someone she loves.

Sam moves behind Willow, joining her and Jade in a brief group hug before moving to stand next to her girlfriend. “Will sweetie, I know it’s hard but just try and relax, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just play it by ear and see what develops ok.”

Willow takes several deep breaths trying to calm down. “Thanks. You guys are great.”

Jade breathes a sign of relief and decides to try and lighten the mood. “And besides Will, with you looking all sexy she won’t be able to resist you.”

Willow looks down at her outfit consisting of denim jeans and a green t-shirt and then looks up at her friends and grins. The redhead had decided to go with a casual look since they were staying in. Tara had agreed to let Willow cook dinner for her so they had planned a dinner and video night.

Jade and Sam seized the opportunity to have some alone time and have booked themselves into a hotel through until Saturday. Willow had protested against them paying for a hotel room but she finally let it slide once her friends explained that they were looking forward to it.

Seeing that Willow is beginning to relax Jade and Sam grab their overnight bags and head out the door after hugging their friend and wishing her luck.

With a few minutes left Willow goes to check on dinner, with any luck it will be ready just after Tara arrives.

* * * *

Having finally decided to leave her hair down Tara makes her way downstairs. Will always loved my hair down so she could run her fingers through it.

Willow has been back for just under two weeks and while Tara had seen a lot of her in that time this is to be the first time they will be alone together for longer than ten minutes.

Thinking back to yesterday when Willow had asked her over for dinner Tara can’t help but smile. Tara had just explained that she was due for a day off this coming Friday as a reward for all the extra hours she had been putting in. She had then asked Willow that if she wasn’t busy would she like to spend the day together. Willow had immediately said yes. This was followed by an invitation to have dinner at her place on Thursday night so that they could plan the following days activities in addition to the redhead showing off her newly acquired cooking skills.

It had soon been decided that they would have dinner and then watch some movies, both women secretly trying to stretch out the amount of time they would be alone.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs Tara is met by a beaming Buffy and Dawn who just happen to be standing near the front door. I swear these two are about as subtle as a brick sometimes. “Hi guys.”

Dawn can’t contain her excitement. “You look fantastic. Will is so going to drool when she sees you.”

Tara looks down at her outfit and then looks at Dawn. “Dawnie I’m wearing an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt, not exactly seduction wear.”

Buffy rolls her eyes. “Yeah right. It’s just a coincidence you just happen to be wearing Will’s all time favourite pair of Tara pants and a t-shirt that highlights all of your . . well you know . . all the bits that Will loves.” Blushing a she finishes Buffy takes great satisfaction in noticing that Tara is also blushing.

Tara can’t keep a broad smile from appearing. Busted!! “Well you know, you can’t blame a girl for trying to impress.”

* * * *

Ten minutes later Tara pulls into Willow’s driveway. After shutting off the engine she spends a couple of minutes looking at the house trying to calm her nerves. It is a double story older style home with a porch running all the way around. Tara and the rest of the Scoobys had spent most of the previous Saturday here having a cookout. Willow had been like an excited five year old showing them around.

Sam and Jade had insisted on lending Willow the money to buy the place. The redhead had only agreed after they had put the repayment terms down in writing. Since Willow had started working for an LA based software company several months before moving back to Sunnydale the repayments weren’t a problem.

Tara had to admit that she already loved the place. It had a nice feel about it and had been tastefully decorated by Willow with a lot of help from Sam. Gee Tara admit it, no matter where Will lived you’d love it simply because she was back. Grabbing the bottle of wine that she had purchased on the way home from work Tara locks her car and makes her way to the front door.

* * * *

The timer on the oven had gone off just before Willow heard Tara’s car pull up the drive. Glad to have something to do the redhead had started dishing out the food after lighting the candles on the dining table. The table had been set so that the women would be sitting across from one another towards one end of the table. At first Willow was hesitant to go for a romantic atmosphere but after much coaxing from Sam she had decided to go for it. What the hell, at least I will find out if she is interested or not. Because if she isn’t she will probably slap me and storm out. Well maybe not slap me because she was never that big with the violence and you know storming out isn’t really her thing, but she will probably leave.

The ringing of the doorbell brings Willow back to earth. Quickly placing the plates on the table she straightens her clothes and heads towards the door.

When the door opens both girls are briefly speechless, both busy taking in the beauty of the other. Willow is the first to snap out of it. “Hi Tara, you look amazing. Come on in.” Oh Goddess she looks amazing, she is wearing those jeans that I love. The ones that show of her butt and oh gosh that t-shirt is clinging in all the right places.

“Hey Will, you look beautiful.” Calm down. How am I supposed to be calm when she looks so sexy? Those jeans are nice and tight and that t-shirt is highlighting her breasts. Ok breath now.

Both girls blush at the compliment they had each received. Tara hands Willow the wine she has brought with her as the red head motions for her to go through to the dining area. “I hope you don’t mind eating straight away, it was ready a bit earlier than I’d planned.”

As Willow goes into the kitchen to open the wine Tara sits down at the table and breathes in the wonderful aroma of the diner Willow has prepared. Smells delicious.

A few moments later Willow hands Tara her wine glass before sitting down with her own. After proposing a toast to their friendship the girls start to eat, making small talk as they both begin to relax and enjoy themselves, renewing their bond.

* * * *

An hour and a half later Willow and Tara are sitting on the couch after clearing the dishes away and stacking them in the dishwasher. Willow is sitting at one end of the couch while Tara is sitting next to her in the middle. Their bodies aren’t quite touching but they can feel the body heat coming off each other.

“So Tara, which movie would you like to watch first? I got a bit of everything because I wasn’t sure what you would feel like watching.”

Tara takes a moment to think before turning towards Willow. “Well actually Will, I thought we could talk for a while before we put a movie on.”

Willow turns to meet Tara’s gaze and smiles, “sure what would you like to talk about?”

Seeing Tara nervously play with the hem of her t-shirt Willow guesses what topic the blonde wants to talk about and while it makes her a little nervous in a way she is glad.

Willow reaches out and takes Tara’s hand, pulling it into her lap where she begins to gently caress the back of it with her thumb. “Baby it’s ok, we can talk about anything you want.”

Tara smiles at the term of endearment that Willow has used as she becomes aware of the intimate way that the redhead is caressing her hand. “Will, I want to t-t-talk about what happened while you were away. I missed you so much and I want to know everything that has happened to bring you back to m . . Sunnydale.”

Willow smiles at the love of her life. “Well how about I start at the beginning. I’ll try to give you the Readers Digest version because if I go into detail we will be here for days. And you know that if I make us miss the Scooby meeting on Saturday Buffy will kick my skinny white butt.”

Tara giggles at the images that that thought brings to mind and nods.

Willow takes a moment to calm her nerves and then dives in. “Leaving was so hard. I knew the only way to try and get back to myself was to get away from everything, from everyone that reminded me of what I had become. I was so scared I wouldn’t be able to do it, that I wouldn’t be able to beat it but I had to try.”

Both women move so that they are sitting sideways on the couch facing each other with Willow continuing to caress the back of Tara’s hand while they gaze into each others eyes.

“I knew that if you were to ever consider giving me another chance I had to do it for me. To prove that I wanted to do it, not that I was doing it just because it was something you or Buffy or the others wanted.”

“When I got to San Francisco I went to Jade and Sam not really knowing what to expect but they were fantastic. Giles had already spoken to them before I arrived and filled them in. Before I knew it I had moved in with them and with their help I started to get myself back.”

“You already know that Jade is a witch, well she has experience in dealing with dark magic because she was once addicted to it. Jade told me about her experiences and while I don’t know all the details I do know that she was into some major mojo when she caught the Councils attention. That is how she knows Giles, they met while she was in England recovering.”

Pausing for a moment Willow gives Tara a chance to take in what she has so far told her, giving her a chance to ask any questions. When none come from the blonde Willow continues.

“I think part of the reason I have done so well is the fact that someone was with me who has gone through it all before. Jade has experienced the withdrawal, the tremors and the seizures, so she knows what it is like and she knew how to best help me. She also started to teach me about magic. How to respect it and how to use it responsibly.”

Willow drops her gaze from Tara, her voice dropping to a whisper. “She started to teach me all the things that you had tried to tell me so many times before. I’m so sorry Tara. I should have listened to you when you tried to tell me. I should have listened when you and the others told me I was losing myself, using magic too much.”

Reaching forward with her free hand Tara gently caresses Willow’s cheek. “Will, it’s ok. I mean it did hurt at the time and I guess it still hurts a little but what is important is that you realised what was happening and you did something about it. I am so proud of what you have done and how well you have managed and how well you are still doing. When I think about everything you have gone through to get back to who you are, it makes me love you even more.”

Willow meets Tara’s gaze, a huge smile spreading across her face as she sees the love that the blonde has for her. Oh boy!!

“Jade showed me techniques for controlling the magic, mainly through meditation. I still use magic but like Jade it is really only to maintain my focus and control over it.”

“As I got stronger and I felt better I started getting back some sort of a normal life. I did some computer work for Jade and some of her friends. Then about six months ago I finally decided to come home.”

Tara beams at the thought that Willow had still considered Sunnydale home. She hasn’t stopped caressing the redheads cheek and the feel of her soft skin combined with the affect that Willow is having on her by caressing her hand is beginning to take its toll. Tara feels her heart rate quicken as the familiar warm and tingly sensations that signal the arrival of her arousal spread throughout her body. Her breath catches as she sees the same feelings reflected in the pools of green before her.

Willow is silent as the love she feels for Tara combines with the burning desire that her love always inspires fills every pore and cell with in her body. For a moment she losses the ability to form a single word let alone a full sentence as she sees that Tare is getting turned on, very turned on.

After opening and closing her mouth several times Willow’s voice finally returns. “Jade and Sam never pushed me to come home. When I told them I had decided to return Sam said that they always knew that I would come back when I was ready.” Oh God I want to kiss her, actually I want to do a whole lot more than just kiss her. Calm down Will, calm down. There is no rush, just relax and try and to concentrate on what you are saying, there is plenty of time for other things.

“The next few months were spent looking for a house and a more permanent job. I was happy when Jewel Soft offered me a job because as long as I get the work done they don’t mind where I’m based and the package they gave me was pretty good too.”

Amongst the rather naughty thoughts on what she wants to do to Willow and what she wants the redhead to do to her Tara manages to get a question out. “So did you finish college?”

Willow gulps as Tara moves her caresses from her cheek to her chin and throat. “Yeah, Sam made sure that once I was well enough I continued with my degree.”

A blush follows Tara’s path on Willow’s pale skin as she continues. “I managed to graduate with honors.”

“I found this place about three months ago. I fell in love with it from the pictures I saw and brought it site unseen. Jade thought I was insane but I loved it and it is close to Buffy’s and Xander’s.”

Tara can no longer resist and gently brushes her fingers over the redhead’s lips. Willow closes her eyes as she enjoys the sensations running through her body. Slowly her eyes flutter open to meet Tara’s hungry gaze. All thoughts of talking leave both women.

Slowly both women move closer until their lips meet for a brief gentle kiss. Pulling back slightly they gaze into each other’s eyes and for both women it is like a switch has been flicked inside them.

Suddenly everything else fades into nothingness and time becomes irrelevant. Coming together in a passionate kiss Willow gently but firmly pushes Tara until she is on her back, pulling the redhead down on top of her.

Willow runs her hands through Tara’s hair before moving to caress her face and neck. Tara’s hands are not idle either, they are moving up and down Willow’s back both holding their bodies close and getting reacquainted with the body of her love.

The feel of clothes becomes nowhere near enough and Tara lets out a growl of frustration as she pulls on Willow’s t-shirt to free it from her jeans.

At the same time Willow nudges Tara’s legs apart with her knees and positions her body between them.

As Willow begins grinding her hips against her lovers, Tara manages to release the t-shirt with a moan of victory. Instantly beginning to run her hands up and down Willows bare back and sides letting her nails dig in ever so slightly on the upward journeys.

Willow groans as she positions her left hand next to Tara’s head to give her leverage as she presses herself against the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. With her right hand she reaches to caress Tara’s breasts through her t-shirt, making them both moan in delight.

Again the women kiss, teasing and exploring each other’s mouths. Tara has started moving her hips in time with Willow, their moans getting louder as the sensation of fabric against their arousal's sends shivers through their bodies.

As they both near their release the movement of their hips, their centres, against one another becomes urgent and less controlled. There is nothing gentle in their movements as Tara grips Willows butt with both hands.

When both women had thought about how this moment would be, they had both wanted and imagined it would be slow and sensual as they expressed their love again after so long. They hadn’t counted on their bodies out voting their hearts with this raw and desperate display.

Yet as primal as it is their bodies still manage to express their happiness at being together once again and their deep and unwavering love for one another.

As their orgasms rock their bodies they break their kiss, each screaming their soul mates name. Pools of green and blue swimming, locked together once again as their bodies fulfil two years of wanting, needing and loving. At the same time wiping away two years of pain, loneliness, doubt and guilt.

Clothes wet with their arousal and perspiration the lovers cling to each other, savouring the moment and catching their breaths. Tara caresses Willows back as the redhead lays her head on Tara’s shoulder.

Tara turns and plants a kiss on Willows forehead, a contented sigh escaping her. “mmmm that felt so good sweetie. I love you Will.”

Willow looks up at her lover as she breaks their embrace, pushing up off Tara and standing. Extending her hand to the blonde Willow helps her stand before wrapping her arms around Tara’s waist and pulling her close. As their eyes meet Willow speaks, her voice pleading. “Please don’t go home baby. Tara I love you, stay with me. Please stay with me tonight and let me show you how much I love you.”

Tara doesn’t hesitate. “Yes baby, I’ll stay. But only if you let me show you how much I love you too.”

Willow breaks the embrace and takes Tara by the hand as she leads her upstairs to the master bedroom.

* * * *

A rather annoyed slayer enters the Summers residence followed closely by Xander. Buffy flops down on the couch in between Dawn and Anya while Xander sits in one of the armchairs.

Dawn turns to her sister, “Slow night huh?” Buffy sighs, “Yeah, I just don’t get it. It’s never been this quiet before.”

Xander simply shrugs, “I don’t know what to say, maybe we got lucky and all the vamps and evil types are taking a break.”

Buffy shakes her head, “Come on Xander you know how it goes.”

Anya interrupts, “Yeah Xander you know that the quieter it gets the more likely it is that there is a big bad evil thing out there just waiting for the right time to do their thing”

“Yes I know but Buffy do we really need to have a Scooby meeting to discuss why it has been so quiet? You know that there is no kind of plan we can come up with until we know what we are dealing with, if we are dealing with anything”

Buffy rolls her eyes, “I know Xander but with Will back I just want to get together and touch base in a Scooby way.”

The four Scooby’s smile as they think of their friends return. With a glint in her eye Anya breaks the silence. “Speaking of bases, how do you think the big date is going? Do you think they are orgasm buddies again yet?”

Nodding enthusiastically Xander doesn’t even need to think about his answer. “Absolutely. Have you guys seen the way they have been around each other since Will got back? All with the lusty stares and the touchy feely . . err . . touching”

The three girls can’t help laughing at Xander as he practically drools at the thought of his two friends together.

Buffy shakes her head. “You know I’ll never understand the fascination guys have with the whole girl on girl action.”

“Well you know Buff, it’s just what we men do. It is a requirement. You know like it’s a requirement for women to take three hours to get ready to go out or to constantly change her mind.”

Before Xander can finish his train of thought he is hit in the head by three flying cushions.

“Hey careful ladies, I am very delicate.”

Dawn rolls her eyes as a smile lights up her face. “Well I think it is great that Will and Tara are giving it another go. They are so meant to be together.”

Standing up Dawn makes her way to the stairs. “I’m off to bed. I was going to wait up for Tara but somehow I don’t think she will be coming home tonight.”

The others nod in agreement as they say their goodnights. Xander and Anya leaving to go home and Buffy following Dawns’ lead and going to bed.

* * * *

The blonde and redhead are standing at the foot of the king sized bed indulging in a slow sensual kiss. Tongues, lips and teeth involved in a sacred and much underrated dance. Hands caressing seeking skin. The only light is provided by the moon streaming in through the open curtains adding to the sensual mood of the room.

Both women are filled with a burning desire for the other but this time they are determined to savour each other and take things slower.

Willow grips the hem of Tara’s t-shirt and breaks the kiss to lift it up and off her lover who lifts her arms to accommodate. Tara trembles as Willow caresses her newly exposed skin, her hands moving to the clasp of her bra easily releasing it. As the soft material falls to the floor Willow gasps as she takes in the splendour of her loves breasts.

Tara feels her heart rate skyrocket as Willow moves her hands to massage her shoulders and then caress her neck before descending to cover her breasts. Oh god I am so in love with the fact that she is a breast girl. Barely touching the skin Willow draws patterns on the soft yet firm mounds, moving closer and closer to both nipples. Stopping just short of the hard erect points Tara growls her disappointment as Willows hands move to briefly cup her breasts before beginning a slow downward journey.

Willow meets Tara’s gaze as she frees the button and lowers the zipper on the blonde’s jeans. Leaning in Willow then repeats the journey her hands have just completed with her mouth. Licking, sucking and nibbling in all the right places to drive her lover insane.

Gripping Willows shoulders as though her life depends on it Tara feels herself losing control, her heart pounding loudly in her head, blood roaring and breathing becoming erratic. She is barely aware that Willow has removed the remainder of her clothes and is gently pushing her back onto the bed.

Tara pulls Willow down on top of her but before she can make a move to undress her lover, Willow stands back up to admire the naked form before her.

The sight of a naked Tara takes Willows breath away, her eyes ravaging the blonde. “Baby, move into the middle of the bed and roll onto your stomach.” Tara is about to protest until she sees the look of pure animal lust on Willow face, her eyes burning. Oh Goddess.

As Tara makes herself comfortable on her stomach Willow quickly removes her shoes and socks, her eyes never leaving Tara’s body. Oh God breath Will breath.

Being with Tara again, seeing her beautiful naked body nearly sends Willow over the edge. She briefly closes her eyes and takes several deep breaths to calm herself. As she opens them again her gaze meets Tara’s, who is looking back over her shoulder with hungry eyes.

Willow kneels on the bed, taking Tara’s left foot in both hands. Ever so slowly she begins massaging her lover’s body. She starts with the sole of Tara’s foot then moves up to her ankle, edging a little higher every few minutes.

When Willow reaches the back of Tara’s knee she begins laying kisses along the path her hands have just taken, licking and sucking at the blondes flesh as she goes.

As Willow reaches the top of Tara’s left leg, the blond spreads her legs more, hoping that it will encourage her lover to caress where she is becoming desperate for contact. To Tara’s disappointment Willow moves back down the bed, taking her right foot in her hands and starting again.

Both women are now breathing heavy, the scent of their arousal's filling the room. Tara’s body is trembling with sweat glistening on her flushed skin. The feel of Willows caresses inspiring a continuous low moan as she clutches the sheets in both hands.

Reaching the top of Tara’s right leg Willow runs her hands over Tara’s backside kneading the firm flesh briefly before moving to straddle the blonde’s hips.

Tara moves her hips up off the bed to grind against Willow who has started massaging her back. Willow’s caresses, her nearness has driven Tara to the very edge, her need becoming more urgent.

There are so many things that Tara wants to say. She wants to express her feelings, tell Willow how much she loves her. Despite this, the only word that leaves her lips is the name of her love. It comes out as a low, drawn out moan that rocks Willow to her very core.

Willow’s breathing has become shallow. The feel of Tara rubbing herself against her centre is driving her to distraction. Without warning she stops her caresses and gets up off the bed altogether.

A whimper escapes Tara as she rolls over and sits up, frustration and confusion showing on her face. “Will what’s the matter? Did I do something wrong?”

In way of answer Willow grips the hem of her t-shirt and pulls it up and off, letting it fall to the floor. Her bra quickly follows it.

Swallowing hard Tara takes in the wonderful sight of her half naked love, her eyes lingering on Willow’s breasts. “Will I want to see all of you.”

Undoing the button and zipper on her jeans Willow wastes no time in removing the remainder of her clothes.

Moving onto the bed Willow gently pushes Tara onto her back before moving to lay on top of her blonde Goddess. Both women inhale sharply at the full body contact, neither surprised at how well their bodies fit together.

The lover’s share a slow passionate kiss filled with promises of more to come. Tara moves to caress Willows back, who in turn begins running her hands through golden strands.

“Tara, I love you. I’ve always loved you and always will no matter what. I’m going to show you how much starting right now. I’m going to touch you, taste you. I want to make love to you. I . .”

Before Willow can continue with her erotic babble Tara kisses her long and hard, both women gulping for air once the kiss is broken. “Sweetie you know I love it when you babble, but enough with the talk. Let’s make love, let’s fuck all night.”

A sexy grin appears on Willows face. Gotta love spicy Tara talk. “Yes ma’am.”

The rest of the night is spent getting reacquainted, renewing their connection and re-enforcing their love for one another. As the sun begins to peak above the horizon a very tired yet satisfied Willow and Tara snuggle together, both drifting into a deep contented sleep.

* * * *

Slowly opening her eyes Tara is confused as to where she is for a second until she feels the weight of her love who is snuggled into her. Moving slightly so she can see Willow more clearly Tara can’t resist brushing aside some stray hair that has fallen across her Goddess’ face.

Thinking of the previous night Tara blushes as the memories wash over her. The sex had been amazing, but then again sex with her little vixen was always mind blowing.

No, it wasn’t just sex. It was never just sex between the two. There was always much more to it, even when they were having problems.

Tara smiles as Willow tightens her grip, a sign that the redhead is waking up. Willow’s eyes slowly open. As her eyes adjust to the room she sees a beaming Tara smile up at her. “Morning sweetie.”

Moving to lay on top of Tara, Willow covers her lovers face with kisses before setting up camp on and in Tara’s mouth.

Their kisses are passionate and hungry both content to stay like this forever. As Willow begins to get creative with her hands Tara reluctantly breaks their kiss. “Baby, shouldn’t we be getting up.”

Tara can’t help but laugh as the look on Willows face clearing tells her that she doesn’t agree. “Come on Will, it’s almost lunch time. Don’t you want to do something together today?”

Willow smiles, “well baby, I thought we already were doing something together.”

“Well maybe we could at least get out of bed long enough to go and get some lunch. If you want to spend the rest of the day in bed we’ll need our strength.”

The idea of getting out of bed doesn’t appeal to Willow, but then again Tara does have a point. Besides if getting up for an hour or two guarantees me an afternoon of Tara snuggles then it is definitely worth it.

“Well ok, lunch and then back to bed for a snuggle fest.”

“Will, if all you want to do is snuggle I think we need to re think our plans. I was hoping to see a little more action than that.”

To make her point Tara grips Willows butt in both hands as she pushes her hips up off the bed to grind against her lover.

Her actions are rewarded with a gasp from Willow followed by a low moan, which sounded more like a growl. The redhead is definitely sold on the plan now.

Jumping out of bed Willow grabs Tara’s hand. “Come on baby, lets hit the shower and then go grab some lunch.”

“Ok, lets have a shower but then we’ll stop by my place so I can grab a change of clothes before we get lunch.”

“Sounds like a plan to me Miss Maclay.”

* * * *

For the fourth time Tara tries to get her key in the lock of the Summers residence. She is finding it rather difficult due to the fact that she has an incredibly lovely redhead nibbling on her neck and ear.

Finally having success with the door, Tara breaks free from Willow long enough to open the door and step inside. After closing the door behind them, Tara decides to seek some revenge and pushes Willow up against the door pinning her there with her body.

Before Willow has time to say anything Tara captures her lips in a slow and sensual kiss. Finally breaking the kiss Tara steps back, breaking contact. “Ok, I’ll just go and get changed and then we’ll get some lunch.”

Willow remains standing against the door a glazed look on her face. Wow that woman is hot. What the hell am I doing still standing here?

Shaking her head as though to clear her thoughts a smile appears on Willows face as she heads up the stairs to Tara’s bedroom.

Walking through the open door Willow closes it behind her and turns to see a surprised Tara who has just taken off her t-shirt. As Willow starts walking towards Tara she begins undoing the buttons on her blouse. “Will, what are you doing?”

Releasing the final button Willow lets the shirt fall to the floor. “Baby, if you don’t know what I’m doing I think you need a refresher course.”

Rolling her eyes Tara can’t help giggling at her love. “Sweetie I know what you’re doing but I thought we agreed to go and get something to eat first.”

Giving Tara her sexiest smile Willow slowly removes her bra. “Well I don’t know about you but I plan on having plenty to eat. I may even have seconds and possibly even thirds.”

Tara swallows hard as the idea of leaving the house suddenly becomes unappealing. “Thirds you say?”

Willow merely nods as she reaches out and caresses Tara’s stomach. “The day I got back, when I saw you at the picnic I wanted to kiss you, to taste you so bad.”

Feeling her legs begin to shake Tara nods. “I know what you mean. I wanted to undress you and make love to you right then and there.”

Their eyes lock together as Willows voice comes out low and incredibly husky. “So what’s stopping you.”

* * * *

As Buffy turns the car into their street Dawn lets out a squeal of excitement, which nearly scares the life out of her sister. “Oh my gosh, Tara’s home.” Following her sisters gaze Buffy sees Tara’s car parked out the front of their house. “Oh cool.”

“Do you think everything went ok last night? Do you think she slept over at Willows place, without the actually sleeping part?”

Instead of answering all Buffy can do is laugh. Dawn has always complained about being treated like a little kid and here she was acting like an excited five year old.

If Buffy was honest she felt exactly the same way. Willow was back and her and Tara seemed to have gotten back where they belong, together. Not even trying to hide her own excitement Buffy pulls into their driveway.

“Well she knows we are going to want details. Although I’m not too sure I want ALL the details but with you and I interrogating her I’m sure we will find out some of the good stuff.”

Turning off the engine Buffy and Dawn jump out of the car and practically run into the house.
* * * *

Tara’s back arches as she grips the back of Willow’s head, holding her close. Willow had kept her word and had had her third helping almost an hour ago. Both women had lost count after that, not that either of them cared. Yet again Tara was fast approaching the point of no return as Willow weaved her magic with her mouth and hands.

As Tara’s moans become louder all that exists in the world is her lover and what she is doing to her body. Because of this she doesn’t hear the front door slam and the noises that Dawn and Buffy are making as they move around the house. Tara may have missed it but Willow didn’t.

For a fraction of a second Willow thinks about stopping, or at least getting up and locking the bedroom door, but only for a fraction of a second. Willow is too filled with need to stop. The need to bring fulfilment to her lover, the need to watch and listen as this amazing woman who fills her heart and soul is swept away by the pleasure that she is giving.

Over her time away Willow had learnt the most important lesson of them all. Nothing, absolutely nothing is more important to her than Tara. Willow pushes the sounds of someone on the stairs out of her head as she concentrates on Tara. At that very moment Willow didn’t care if her friends walked in. In fact Willow didn’t care if a film crew from the local TV station walked in with camera’s ablaze.

Suddenly Tara’s back arches again and her moans give way to screams. “GOD WILL I COMING. OH FUCK . . . . WILL . .OW!!”

Slowly, gently Willow brings her love back to earth and back to reality. As she makes her way up Tara’s body to take her in her arms Willow barely manages to hold in her laughter as she hears the distinct sound of someone bolting down the stairs.

* * * *

Having checked the living room and kitchen and finding no sign of Tara, Buffy and Dawn are beginning to wonder where their friend could be. Dawn had even checked the back yard. As the sisters reach the landing near the stairs Dawn states the only obvious options left. “You know she could be in her room, or maybe in the shower. I’ll go check her room.”

Buffy shrugs as Dawn starts up the stairs. Just as Buffy turns to head back into the living room her slayer hearing picks up a noise from upstairs that doesn’t sound quite right. Her instincts kick in before she processes what the noise is and within seconds she is up the stairs and pushing passed Dawn. Just as she did so she heard the noise again and judging by the look on Dawns face, so had her sister.

The noise was unmistakable. It was Tara and she was moaning and not in an I’m in pain way either. When Willow and Tara had been living with them Buffy and Dawn had become used to the noises made by their friends when they made love. Their Scooby’s had often joked about how active the pair were. But not having heard it for so long it took both girls by surprise.

Dawn stood staring at the door to Tara’s room her eyes open wide as though someone had glued her eyelids open. Buffy wasn’t much better, her eyes wide and her mouth opening and closing as she struggled to find something to say.

Just as Buffy recovers some composure and is about to suggest they leave their friends to have some privacy Tara’s moans turned into screams. “GOD WILL I COMING. OH FUCK . . . . WILL . .OW!!” Tara’s words seem to snap Buffy and Dawn out of a trance. Both girls turned at once and race down the stairs, almost knocking each other over in the rush.

Running into the living room both girls threw themselves down on the couch. Dawn reached for the remote control for the TV and hit the power button. “So, what do you want to watch? There are cartoons or maybe the discovery channel, they have Koala’s.”

Buffy turns to her sister. “I don’t care just turn it up really loud.”

* * * *

Having woken up in each others arms Willow and Tara had quickly gotten out of bed when they realised how late it was. Once both women are showered and dressed they make their way downstairs to see who was home.

Making their way into the living room the witches find Buffy and Dawn watching TV. Tara sits on one of the arm chairs, pulling Willow down onto her lap. “Hey guys, what are you watching?”

Having recovered from the embarrassment of hearing her friends earlier Dawn flashes a huge smile. “We’re watching the discovery channel. I wanted to watch cartoons but Buffy over-ruled me.”

Having not quite recovered from hearing Tara proclaim her joy earlier Buffy can’t bring herself to meet her friends gaze. Willow notices that Buffy is blushing, a self satisfied smirk covering her face as she watches Buffy look everywhere else but at them. “Yeah well you know, discovery channel with all its educational value.”

Willow resists the temptation to do one of Buffy’s victory dances and merely snuggles closer to Tara grinning like the early bird who got the worm. That’s right, who da man?? Err woman.

Dawn simply rolls her eyes at her sister. “So, you two are still coming to the Bronze tonight right?”

Tara simply nods, a smile very similar to Willows appearing on her face. “You betcha. Will and I will have our dancing shoes on.” That’s if I can muster up the energy after last night and today.

* * * *

Taking up occupancy in their regular corner the Scooby gang get themselves comfortable, enjoying the atmosphere of the Bronze. Surprisingly the band is quite good, even dance worthy.

Sam is sitting in Jades lap on one of the couches, the lovers too caught up with each other to really notice the goings on around them. Willow and Tara are next to them, whispering sweet nothings in each others ears. Buffy, Dawn, Anya and Xander are on the other couch watching the behaviour of the four women while trying to make it look like they aren’t.

Finally Anya can keep quiet no longer. “Why is it that the lesbians are the only ones getting any?” Having said it in her usual Anya style half of the Bronze patrons hear her loud and clear. A stunned silence follows. No matter how long the Scoobys have known Anya she never ceases to amaze them with what sometimes comes out of her mouth.

Simply shrugging her shoulders Willow stands and offers her hand to Tara. “Wanna dance?” Without answering Tara takes the hand offered to her and they make their way onto the dance floor.

Watching her friends Dawn can’t wipe the smile off her face. “They look so good together.”

Anya snorts. “Yeah any minute now they’ll start dirty dancing which will lead to them running off to have sex again.”

Dawn wrinkles her brow in confusion. “Dirty dancing?”

Before Anya can say anything Buffy speaks up. “Yeah. you know, Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray.”

Dawn just looks more confused. “Who?”

Buffy looks at her sister truly shocked. “Oh my god. We so have to educate you in the ways of the 80’s and early 90’s.”

Watching the interaction of her new friends Jade can’t help but smile. Her smile soon fades though as a cold chill goes through her whole body. She feels a heaviness in the air, something moving closer. There is something not quite right with this picture. This is bad, very, very bad. Looking in the direction of the dance floor her eyes lock on Willows. Willow feels it too.

* * * *

Willow grabbed Tara by the hand and rushed back over to the couches where their friends were sitting.

Jade was already in full defensive mode. “Everyone join hands and don’t let go until I say so.” Receiving several quizzical looks everyone does as they are told. Their experience as Scooby’s telling them that now is not the time to ask questions.

As soon as everyone has joined hands Jade begins quietly chanting a spell. Recognising the protection spell Willow joins in. The calming rhythm of the two friends voices never getting louder than a whisper.

Tara is unfamiliar with the spell so instead of joining in she channels her strength, her power towards her lover. There is a delay of a few seconds before anything seems to happen. Then suddenly the rest of the Scooby’s feel the air around them become heavy as they each feel a gentle pull.

Looking around for the danger that they both feel, Jade and Willow see nothing. Not prepared to let the protective barrier go both continue the spell as they wait for the threat to pass.

Several minutes later Willow feels herself begin to weaken, her breathing becoming laboured as she begins to struggle. As she glances towards Tara she sees a tall, slender man push his way through the crowd off to the side. She gasps as she recognises him – it’s Rack. 

Tara senses a change in Willow and sends as much soothing energy to her as possible while herself trying to remain calm.

Faltering briefly the redheads eyes are glued on Rack as he walks straight passed the group. He is obviously looking for something or someone and for the briefest of moments his eyes seem to lock on Willow before he looks away, continuing his search. Regaining her concentration Willow musters all the strength she has and begins reciting the spell over and over again.

The minutes crawl by as the two witches continue to hold the protective barrier. Jade can feel the threat slowly moving away from them. Once she is satisfied they are out of danger she gently squeezes Willow’s hand before letting go.

As the spell is broken everyone is light headed for a moment. Jade leans back against the couch breathing heavily, her concern focus on the redhead beside her. Willow is slumped against the back of the couch, her breathing laboured. Her hair is plastered to her head as perspiration pours off her. Her eyes are unfocused and bloodshot as she reaches out for Tara.

The blonde witch gently wraps her arms around her lover and tries to sooth her as best she can. Her face is a picture of worry as she addresses Jade. “What’s going on?” 

As the rest of the Scooby’s focus their attention on the conversion, Jade meets Tara’s gaze. “It was Rack. He walked right by us and he didn’t look like he was here to dance.”

There is a stunned silence as everyone takes this in. As Anya, Xander, Dawn and Buffy all start talking at once Tara never breaks eye contact with Jade. “I’m sure Willow told you all about Rack, but how do you know what he looks like?”

Silence falls upon the group as everyone once again focuses their attention on Tara and Jade. “Now is not the time to explain, we need to get out of here.”

This doesn’t satisfy Tara one little bit. “You may not want to talk about this now but you have some explaining to do. I need to get Willow home so she can regain her strength. Once she is rested we are all going to sit down and you are going to fill in the blanks, got it?”

With that Tara stood and with Buffy’s help got Willow out to the car. Using her mobile phone Buffy called Giles who joined everyone at the redhead’s house where they all spent the night.

* * * *

The Scooby’s were scattered throughout Willow’s house, some asleep, some awake thinking about the events of the evening, but all of them keeping well away from the master bedroom. After Buffy had carried Willow up to her bedroom Tara had sent everyone out of the room, remaining behind to care for her lover. She had made it clear that no one was to bother them so that the redhead could rest.

The blond witch had remained calm during the trip home but once the bedroom door was closed there were several minutes of shear panic as she watched her lover slip in and out of consciousness, her hair colour changing from her beautiful red to the darkest of blacks and back again.

Grabbing a cloth and a bowl of water from the bathroom Tara had removed Willow’s clothes and gently bathed her, removing the film of perspiration covering her body and successfully stopping the flow of blood from her nose.

Ensuring Willow was comfortable Tara changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that she found in one of the drawers and slipped into bed next to her. After several minutes the redhead fell into a deep sleep, although Tara remained awake, keeping watch over her soul mate.

* * * *

Giles leaned against the sink as he watched Jade pace to and fro, for a moment he wondered at the similarity to watching a game of tennis before putting his glasses back on and pocketing his handkerchief.

“Look I’m sure you’re over-reacting. Rack has been here for several years, you don’t know what he was doing at the Bronze last night. It could just be a coincidence that you and Willow were there too.”

Jade stopped in front of the former watcher and spun around to face him.

“Look, I know that Giles. But seeing him again after so long, it affected me differently than I thought it would. It freaked me out.”

Giles sighed, just managing to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

“Oh yes, I’m glad you told me as I couldn’t have guessed that by your cool exterior. Look we will all talk more about this in the morning. We’ll look into it and find out what is going on and then deal with it as we always do.”

Jade threw her hands up in frustration and resumed pacing, instantly losing herself in memories that she had spent a long time trying to forget.

* * * *

At some stage Tara must have fallen asleep as all of a sudden she was jolted back to reality by Willow who was almost violently tossing and turning next to her. Moving so that she was leaning over Willow, Tara gently grasped the redheads’ wrists and held them against the mattress as she tried to make out what her lover was whispering.

Eventually making out the words that Willow was almost whimpering Tara’s eyes went wide as the same words were said again and again.

“Dirty, so dirty. Must leave. Can’t hurt her, will taint her with my darkness. Won’t let him hurt you. Tara, Tara, I must go my love. Only way to keep you safe.”

Letting go of Willow’s wrists Tara wrapped her arms around her lover and held her close to her body.

“Will. Willow, wake up baby.”

Tara suddenly found herself staring into a pair of startled green eyes. The seconds dragged by as the lover’s stared into each others eyes, Tara finally breaking the silence.

“Baby, everything’s going to be ok. You don’t need to go anywhere.”

Willow wrapped one arm around Tara’s waist while she reached up with her other hand and ran it through Tara’s hair.

“But if I leave you’ll be safe.”

“Whatever happens will happen. We live on top of the Hellmouth, there is never a guarantee that any of us will be safe. Will, promise me that you won’t leave again. I can’t be without you.”

Seeing the desperation in her lovers eyes Willow gently brushed away a lone tear that had escaped the pools of blue that were silently pleading with her.

“Tare, I promise I won’t go anywhere. I just don’t want you to get hurt, especially by someone like Rack.”

The conversation suddenly died as both women became aware of the closeness of their bodies. Tara rolled over until she covered Willow’s body with her own, the flimsy material of the shorts and t-shirt she wore the only barrier between them.

Willow moved both hands underneath the tight t-shirt, caressing the curves of her lovers sides and back before slipping both hands underneath the waist band of the shorts. Tara captured Willows lips in a fierce kiss as the redhead gripped her backside with both hands, encouraging her to establish a rhythm with her hips.

Leaving the stress and worry of their current situation behind the two witches spent the rest of the night making love, physically reassuring each other that what ever was to happen would be tackled head on, together.

* * * *

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