
Friday, December 23, 2011

Lost Girl: Love (NR-17)

I recently discovered something awesome, the Canadian TV show Lost Girl. It is full of very talented women (they're a bunch of hotties too!!) so naturally it caught my attention.

In celebration I've just finished my very first Lost Girl fan fiction, hope you like it.

Pairing:  Bo Dennis/Lauren Lewis.
Lost Girl was created by Michelle Lovretta and is Copyright © Canwest Global and Prodigy Pictures.

* * * *

I take a long sip of my beer as I put my feet up on the couch. I can feel Kenzi's eyes on me but ignore her as I channel surf, trying to find something good to watch.

“You know, you're really boring when you're all mopey.”

I don't even acknowledge her as I continue my quest for decent TV.

After several minutes of silence I assume she's given up, until she comes and sits on the coffee table in front of me.

"Look Bo, the way I see it, you've either got to get over her and move on or fight like hell for her.”

Kenzi has been at me ever since the curse was lifted from Nadia and she reappeared in Lauren's life. But she didn't see them together. The way they looked at one another, the way they touched and the way they kissed.

I just have to accept the fact that Lauren and Nadia are together and that it sucks to be me.

I'm about to lay out all the facts when there's a knock at the door. Before I can even put my beer down, Kenzi is on her way to answering it.

I can't hear what Kenzi says when she opens the door, but the “oh shit” look on her face tells me I'm not going to like it.

As our guest enters I stand up as I recognise the cause of my pain.

"Hi Bo.”
To say I'm surprised she's here is an understatement, “hi Nadia”.

As she moves further into the room, I move towards her. We stand evaluating each other like a couple of gun slingers at high noon. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Kenzi hovering near the kitchen.

"So, what can I do for you?”

“I've heard so much about you, I thought I'd come and meet you for myself.”

It's obvious to both of us that there's more to it than that but I let it slide.

I have to admit, Nadia is a beautiful woman. Tall with long dark hair, she has eyes you can get lost in and curves in all the right places. The thought of exactly where those curves have been makes my chest tighten.

"Well hopefully, what ever you've heard isn't all bad.”

She almost seems annoyed, “no, Lauren was very complimentary.”

At the mention of her name, I can't help licking my lips as an image of a naked Lauren takes front and centre in my head.

I miss what Nadia says as an image of Lauren, back arched mid orgasm, fills my head. “Sorry?”

Now I know she's annoyed. “Look, I'll cut to the chase, how do you feel about Lauren?”

Sorry lady, that's a no go zone, “that's none of your business.”

Nadia looks away from me, focusing on the TV, “I love Lauren and Lauren loves me.”

The tightness in my chest amps up and my anger flares, “what did you come here for, to rub it in?”

When she meets my eyes there is a sadness about her that silences me.

"Everything is different. The world's changed, Lauren's changed. Hell, even I've changed in some ways.”

"I know that Lauren loves me. But you see, the problem Bo, is that she's in love with you.”

My anger fades as the meaning of what she says sinks in.

"Bo, if you love her, you should go to her. Make her happy.”

Without waiting for a reply, Nadia is almost to the door before I even realise she's moved.

* * * *

After standing in front of Lauren's door for ten minutes, I finally build up the nerve to knock.

As I hear movement inside, I tug at my jacket and wipe my hands on my pants, damn sweaty palms.

Finally the door swings open to reveal a surprised Lauren.


She moves aside to let me in, "hello Bo."

Entering her apartment I move to stand next to the couch. As Lauren closes the door and follows me, I realise that her hair is damp and she is wearing a dressing gown.

My pulse quickens and I feel myself getting wet as I realise she is probably naked underneath the gown. Holy crap, zero to horny in less than five seconds.

I had this all planned. What I was going to say, how I would handle all the possible scenario's, but one look at her and everything is forgotten.

We speak at the same time. "How have you been?" "I love you Lauren."

She freezes, blinking slowly as my declaration of love sinks in.

Screw it. I slowly walk up to her and cup her face in my hands. Before she can do anything I brush my lips against hers.

Our eyes meet and for what feels like hours, we just look at each other. Eventually I feel her hands take my waist and pull me towards her, our bodies fitting perfectly together.

“I love you Lauren, I want us to be together."

She sighs as an all too familiar look of sadness crosses her face, "but Bo, I can't be everything that you need."

God, I'm so sick of that part of me getting in the way of my life.

“I hate the things I have to do to heal."

Raising her eyebrows, Lauren is about to say something when I interupt.

“Listen to me, I hate sharing myself. Afterwards it makes my skin crawl having someone else's hands on me, touching anyone who isn't you."

I gently wipe away the single tear that slides down her cheek.

“I love you Lauren."
My heart skips a beat as the most beautiful smile lights up her face.

“I love you Bo, for such a long time."

My fear and doubts fade as I become increasingly aware of our close proximity. I move forward and brush my lips against hers again before our lips meet in hungry, almost desperate kisses as our hands being to explore.

I try to gently guide us to the bedroom but our progress is too slow for my liking. In the end I simply pick Lauren up and carry her.

Putting her down next to the bed I let her slide my jacket off before I untie the sash to her gown. As the flimsy material falls to the ground I'm pleased to see my earlier assumption was correct, mmmm naked Lauren.

I help her undress me before I gently push her down onto the bed and move to cover her body with mine. Resting most of my weight on my elbows, the feel of my body pressing down onto hers turns me on even more.

God her hands are everywhere, driving me insane as we kiss. When she reaches down and grabs my ass I can't help grind against her, making us both moan.

Breaking the kiss I watch her face as I grind my hips against her again. She whispers my name as she closes her eyes and arches up into me. I take the opportunity to kiss her neck, licking and sucking her skin as I begin the slow journey down her body.

As I explore her with my mouth and hands, she lightly caresses my body, drawing patterns on my skin. She varies the pressure of her touch, mostly gentle, sometimes barely there, while occasionally making sure her nails dig in, leaving scratch marks.

I spend a long time exploring Lauren's breasts. Licking and sucking each nipple, gently nipping at the sensitive skin. The sounds coming from her as a result fuels my need for her as I resume my journey down her body.

Licking down her stomach, I can feel her muscles twitch beneath my tongue. I begin grinding myself against the bed, desperate for some release, “I need you”.

Gently gripping the back of my head, Lauren pulls me upwards until our mouths meet in a hot kiss.
Changing my position slightly, I grind my hips, earning a gasp from Lauren as our centres meet. Supporting my weight on one elbow, I grip Laurens hip with my other as we find a rhythm.

The delicious friction caused by our bodies sliding against one another is sending us quickly towards orgasm. As we gaze into each others eyes, Lauren's breath hitches and her body begins to arch up against me.

As her orgasm sweeps her away Lauren swallows hard and whispers to me, “I love you Bo.”

I follow her into bliss, every cell of my body seems to explode with the intense pleasure of it. My eyes become unfocused and my arm can no longer support me. The full weight of my body presses down onto Lauren as I throw my head back and scream.

* * * *

As I slowly feel myself join the conscious world it takes a minute for me to remember where I am.

I'm so tired. My body feels as though it's made of lead, my eyelids weigh a tonne. My other senses slowly begin to kick in as I battle to open my eyes.

I can tell I'm in a bed and that I'm not alone. The smell of sex lingers in the air mixed with a unique scent that I would know anywhere. Lauren.

It has the same effect on me that it always has, my pulse quickens and I'm filled with an insatiable hunger. A hunger that is both physical and emotional. I want to share everything with her and make a life together, regardless of how fucked up it may be.

Eventually my eyes open and I'm greeted with the sight of a very smug looking Lauren, watching me.

“Well hello there, for a minute I thought I'd broken you.”

I put my arms above my head and stretch my entire body. I let out a satisfied moan as I watch Lauren admire my body, “see something you like Doctor Lewis?”

Rolling onto my side, I wrap my arm around Lauren's waist and pull her towards me. With our bodies gently pressed together we share a tender kiss.

“I meant it Lauren, I want us to be together.”

“Nadia and I are over.”

I draw lazy patterns on her lower back with my fingers as she speaks.

“I've never been very good at keeping things from her. She knew something was going on. I was tired of keeping secrets, so I told her about us.”

Reaching up, Lauren runs her fingers through my hair before twirling a long strand between her fingers.

“I love Nadia, but she never stood a chance because I lost my heart and soul to you a long time ago.”

Lauren smiles and her whole face lights up, her beautiful eyes sparkling, “I love you Bo and I want to be with you too.”

I know that Lauren and Nadia have gone through a lot and that there's a lot of pain and sadness there, so I almost feel guilty that at this very moment I am the happiest I have ever been.

I've been lost for so long, alone. Ached inside to belong somewhere, to love someone and to have them love me for who I am. Now at last I have that and I'm never letting it go.

The End.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The First Time (R)

Pairing:  Willow Rosenberg/Tara Maclay.
Comments:  I don’t know when Willow and Tara’s first time was. This is just one possibility. Set straight after the candle goes out in New Moon Rising.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was created by Josh Whedon and is Copyright © Mutant Enemy Productions and 20th Century Fox.

* * * *

After the candle had gone out it took Willow and Tara several seconds for their eyes to become accustom to the dark.

Thanks to the full moon, which was shining in through the open window, there was enough light in the room for the soon to be lover’s to see each other.

Taking the candle from Tara, Willow moved to place it on the desk before again standing in front of the blonde, only now much closer. Willow cupped Tara’s face with both hands, her fingers gently caressing the delicate skin.

Ever so gently Willow wiped away the tears that had begun to fall.

“Oh Willow I t-t-t-thought.”

Her words were cut short by the redhead’s thumb as it began to caress her lips.

“Shh baby. I came to tell you that I love you.”

Willow made sure to lock her eyes on the beautiful pools of blue before her.

“I love you. I love Tara Maclay with all my heart and all that I am.” Throwing her head back Willow yelled at the top of her lungs. “I LOVE TARA MACLAY.”

Both women laughed as they heard a distant reply. “That’s nice but would you shut the fuck up, people are trying to sleep here.”

Gazing into each other’s eyes Tara wrapped her arms around Willow’s waist and pulled her closer so their bodies were pushed up against one another. “I love you Willow.”

Looking back later neither woman would be able to say who moved first as their lips met in a deep, emotion filled kiss. The pair had kissed before, although it had always seemed that they were both holding something back.

Naivety, nervousness and uncertainty had seemed to plague them both. But now, things were somehow different. It was as if they had all the answers to a hard pop quiz.

The kiss was filled with hunger, desire and love. As tongues wrestled, seeking entry into mouths their hands began to explore. Before long the feel of material was not enough for either woman and clothes were shed.

Standing in the middle of the dorm room naked, both women caressed the other with their eyes. Drinking in the majesty of the swell of a breast and the curve of a hip, the beauty of each other’s body taking their breath away.

There was no shyness, no hesitation as Willow and Tara embraced, their hands once again exploring. Tara gently guided Willow’s hands to her breasts, the nipples hardening as though on command. Caressing and squeezing the firm mounds Willow soon moved her hands to cup them as her mouth devoured every inch of first the left and then the right breast.

Encouraged by the low moans coming form Tara, Willow guided them to the bed. Having pulled the sheets back the lover’s came together again in the middle of the bed, facing each other.

As Tara ran her hand through red locks, Willow let out a nervous sigh. “God baby, I’m so nervous.”

Tara frowned for a moment. “But you’ve d-d-done this b-b-before.”

Wrapping her arm around Tara’s waist and pulling her close so that the full length of their bodies came together as one, Willow kissed Tara on the lips before pulling her head back far enough to look into the blonde’s eyes.

“What I had with Oz, what I’ve done before, is nothing compared to what I have with you. Kissing you, touching you, making love with you is like my first time. You are my always, my everything. Nothing mattered before you.”

Before Tara had a chance to reply Willow kissed her again, pushing her onto her back and moving to lie on top of this amazing woman. As their bodies began to move against one another neither woman was surprised by how well their bodies seemed to fit.

The rest of the night was spent exploring each other, making new discoveries that neither woman would ever get tired of revisiting. They caressed, held and possessed with their hands, while their mouths kissed, licked, sucked and nibbled.

As though choreographed their bodies gave, received, encouraged and praised before exploding in a kaleidoscope of friendship, lust, pleasure, happiness and love.

Finally the sun peeked above the trees and shone through the still open window and the world greeted a new pair of lovers, welcoming them to the first day of their forever.

The End.

Monday, February 28, 2011

CSI: Fur and Loathing (NR-17)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Catherine Willows.
Summary:   Response to my CSI Title Challenge. This episode has some of the funniest lines in it. The first line below would have to be one of my all time favourites.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

“Well I like hairy chests but I’m not about to bop a six foot weasel.”

Thoughts of other body parts I like flash through my mind, namely those belonging to a certain brunette. I’m pulled from my pleasant thoughts by Greg who has some results for us.

This case is seriously weird so naturally Gil is fascinated by it. He’s almost giddy when he reads the results.

Greg tilts his head slightly and looks straight at me, “that’s what you get for eating . . . .” He smirks at me, flashes a self satisfied smile and is gone before I can say anything.

He is the only one that knows that Sara and I are together and takes great delight in teasing us. Of late he has been getting even more daring with his comments but we aren’t worried because we know he won’t do anything that could reveal our relationship before we are ready.

* * * *

Gil and I are sitting in Jim’s office after rapping this sick puppy up.

I can’t wait to get out of here and spend some time with Lindsay, plus I haven’t seen Sara in what seems like forever.

Gil has the last word on the whole thing. “Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas.”

Before he can launch into another philosophical discussion I say my farewells to them both and get out of there.

Lindsay’s leaving for a week long camp for school today and I want to spend some time with her before I drop her off at the bus.

* * * *

I did my parental duty and thoroughly embarrassed Lindsay by giving her a kiss and hug before she got on the bus. As it disappeared around the corner I put my car into gear and headed towards Sara’s apartment.

Making it in record time I was happy that the elevator was working again as the thought of wasting any energy on the stairs didn’t appeal in the slightest.

I was just about to knock on her door again when it flew open to reveal Sara wearing an old t-shirt and a pair of sweat pants.

Before I had a chance to do or say anything I found myself pressed up against the closed door being kissed senseless.

Without breaking contact we kissed, groped and stumbled until we fell onto Sara’s huge king sized bed. After several sizzling minutes we came up for air lying on our sides facing each other.

I told her all about the case Gil and I had worked and how I couldn’t believe people could get off humping in huge animal suits.

She flashed me a wicked grin that I know means she’s up for some mischief before she pushed me onto my back and settled herself on top of me.

“I don’t know Cat people can get pretty worked up, even when they have clothes on.”

She then began to prove her point by grinding her body against mine. The feel of a naked Sara is amazing but this was all types of wow. The material of my clothes was creating friction that combined with the weight of Sara on top of me and what she was doing with her hands underneath my shirt soon had me coming hard.

Ok so maybe I need to rethink my opinion on the matter, but for now I don’t really have time to think because Sara has managed to get me completely naked and is busy working on taking her clothes off.

She gently slaps my hands away and tells me to roll over onto my stomach. I can hear her moving around on the bed as she talks to me.

“Plus baby, I know some animal related behaviour that you quite enjoy.”

As I hear her open a bed side draw, take something out and then slide the draw closed again I decide that perhaps those people aren’t so strange after all.

After a pause I feel the bed dip as Sara moves to hover above me on her hands and knees. A wave of anticipation washes over me as I feel the pressure of the dildo that she is wearing press into my lower back.

“Tell me baby, do you want to take me for a ride first or do you want to do it doggie style?”

Sweet Jesus, I love it when she gets all bossy in bed.

The End.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

CSI: All That She Needs (NR-17)

Pairing:  Catherine Willows/Sara Sidle
Summary:  Sara is worried that she isn’t everything that Catherine wants or needs.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

Catherine’s worried about her lover. The past weeks had seen Sara become a little distant. Something was on her mind and Catherine desperately wanted to be there for her, find out what was bothering her and fix it, whatever IT was.

Luckily they both have the weekend off and Catherine had a plan. Sam had been asking her to let Lindsay spend time with him so this weekend her mother was taking Lindsay out to Sam’s ranch to spend some quality gran and gramps time.

And now here they are sitting in their favourite restaurant. Catherine had requested the booth in the back corner because it would give them some privacy. She had also requested it because she was hoping to get Sara to talk to her. Catherine was hoping that some of the memories of the times they had had in this very spot would relax her lover.

Half way through their meals Catherine was pretty pleased with herself. Sara seemed to be relaxing and almost back to her old self. There had even been some groping going on when they had tried each other’s food.

Once she’d had enough to eat, Catherine sat and watched Sara. Sidle watching had been one of her favourite things to do for a long time. Sara had an awkward grace about her that she found beautiful. Even watching her do the most mundane of things like eating or brushing her hair made Catherine’s heart swell with love for the brunette.

“You’re watching me again.”

“uh huh.”

Sara met Catherine’s gaze and stuck her tongue out when she saw the smug look on her lovers face.

“I’d be careful what you do with that tongue of yours or I may put it to work.”

“Oh really?”

“uh huh.”

Reaching up Catherine cupped Sara’s cheek.

“Baby, what’s the matter?”

For several seconds both women sat still, never breaking eye contact.

“I just worry sometimes.”

“Worry about what Sar?”

“Worry that one day you’ll wake up and wonder what the hell you’re doing wasting your time with me.”

Catherine was shocked. Where the hell had this come from?

* * * *

Taking several deep breaths to keep the panic at bay Catherine never broke contact with Sara.

“Baby that will never happen.”

Sara just shrugged.

“Cath, you can have anyone you want. There are thousands of women out there who are smarter, sexier, more beautiful than me.”

Catherine couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Less screwed up than me.”

Catherine didn’t like where this conversation was heading. She waved towards their waitress for the bill before turning back to her lover.

“Let’s go home and we’ll talk about this some more.”

* * * *

They made it home in record time. Once they were in the house Catherine took Sara by the hand and led her to their bedroom. She’d decided on the drive home that to get the message through Sara’s stubborn, beautiful head she was going to have to perform a little demonstration in addition to talking.

Stopping at the foot of their bed, Catherine turned towards her lover, reached out and started undoing the buttons on her shirt.

Looking confused, Sara watched as her shirt hit the ground.


Catherine didn’t answer straight away, instead so leaned in and kissed Sara with all the emotion she could muster.

By the time the kiss ended both women were breathing heavy.

“I want you naked and on the bed Sara.”

Still confused, Sara complied with her lover’s request and removed the remainder of her clothes.

Once Sara was in position on the bed, leaning back against the head board, Catherine quickly undressed before climbing onto the bed, straddling Sara’s thighs.

Taking Sara’s hand, Catherine placed it above her heart so that she could feel her heartbeat.

“I love you Sara, you and nobody else. You make me feel like no one else ever has. I’m going to show you what you do to me.”

Gently taking Sara’s other hand, Catherine placed it on her breast. Catherine groaned as Sara began caressing it. Sara looked up at Catherine when she felt the blonde’s heart rate increase.

Guiding Sara’s hand away from her breast and down her stomach the brunette was mesmerised as Catherine’s heart rate kept increasing and her breathing became heavy.

“Feel what you do to me baby?”

All Sara could manage was a nod as her hand was pushed between her lover’s legs. As she felt the wetness there she couldn’t hold back a low growl. For her part, Catherine moaned Sara’s name as her hips began to move of their own accord.

“Feel how wet I am Sar? How much you turn me on?”

“Yes Cat.”

The lovers came together in a passionate kiss as Sara teased Catherine’s opening with her fingers.

Breaking the kiss, Sara rained kisses along Catherine’s jaw and down her neck, sucking hard at her pulse point as she entered her with two fingers.

“Oh fuck yeah baby.”

The rest of the night was spent showing each other the depth of their love.

As the sun came up the pair slowly joined the land of the awake. Neither being in a hurry to get up they lay in bed snuggling and talking.

Catherine slowly rolled over until she was laying on top of Sara.

“I love you Sar. You’re everything that I ever wanted or needed ok?”

The smile that appeared on Sara’s face was dazzling.

“I understand that now Cat. I love you too baby.”

The End.

CSI: Pattern (NR-17)

Pairing:  Sara Sidle/Catherine Willows.
Summary:  Catherine's developed a pattern.
CSI was created by Anthony E Zuiker and is Copyright © Jerry Bruckheimer and CBS.

* * * *

I find myself developing a pattern.

I make some cutting remarks to provoke her, to hurt her.

We fight.

I leave work with the sad, hurt look in her eyes haunting me.

I end up at a bar where I drink to take the edge off.

I find a suitable replica of her. Male, female, it doesn’t matter as long as they have the tall, lean, yet strong frame with dark hair and eyes.

I go back to their place or to a motel and fuck them. At least I have enough self respect to practice safe sex.

I go home a mere shell of myself and cry myself to sleep desperately wishing it was her I was in bed with, fucking, loving.

I continue this pattern around my life with my daughter, my friends, my job.

I’m staring at the ceiling pondering the less than stellar part of my life as my latest conquest lays down between my spread legs.

At first glance you would think that it was at last her. But even one quick glance tells me it’s not. I have everything about her memorised. The way her hair sits when she’s straightened it or when she has let the natural curl appear. How when she wears it up there are always those same strands of hair that manage to escape and hang lose around her face.

This one is close but not anywhere near close enough to the one I really want. Her body language just isn’t the same and her eyes, while the right shade, just aren’t the right ones.

She is looking me in the eye as she goes down on me, her tongue and mouth working at my centre through the thin piece of protective latex. I’m turned on but I know because she isn’t my hearts desire it will take some time for me to get there.

Closing my eyes I let my mind take over and I imagine I’m where I want to be.

In her apartment.

In her bed.

The images of her naked do the job and in no time at all I’m red hot and ready, racing towards release.

Afterwards as I struggle to catch my breath my mystery girl moves to lie beside me.

For the life of me I can’t remember her name. Maybe I didn’t ask it.

“So who’s Sara?”

At the mention of her I am filled with anger. How dare she say her name.

“None of your business.”

I feel her eyes on me as I move off the bed and begin to dress.

“Well the way you were moaning her name she must be one hot babe.”

My emotions are all over the place as I finish doing up the buttons on my shirt. Sitting on the edge of the bed I begin to put my shoes on as I open my big mouth.

“Yes, yes she is.”

Once I’m fully dressed I move towards the door, picking up my purse from the coffee table. I’m just about to the door when my latest play thing decides to play match maker.

“Well if you want my opinion, if I had a hot babe like that around I wouldn’t be here with some stranger you picked up at a bar.”

Slamming the door behind me I head off to hail a cab.

This has made it too real. Before my one night stands were always separate from my ordinary life, from my feelings for Sara. But now everything was jumbled together.

I desperately need to see her and before I know what I’m doing I’ve given the cab driver her address. Within minutes the cab has pulled up outside Sara’s apartment building.

My need to see her is so great that I pay the driver and make my way up to her floor without a second thought.

The look on her face when she opens the door is priceless. The look of complete shock soon gives way to curiosity as she lets me in.

The second I step foot inside my emotions gain freedom. Pacing in front of her couch I see a look of concern on her face as I glance towards her.

I can’t believe I have come here after fucking like a wild animal with some bimbo. Her smell is all over me. I have to get it off.

My thoughts are interrupted by Sara who has stopped my pacing by gently grabbing my shoulders and turning me to face her.

“Cath are you ok? Has something happened to Lindsay?”

God I’m here acting like a lunatic and instead of getting mad and throwing me out she is worried about me, about Lindsay.

I shake my head. “We’re fine.”

The look on her face tells me she doesn’t completely believe me.

“I need a shower.”

I look up to make eye contact. The surprised look on her face would be comical at any other time. Right now I need to get clean before I can think straight.

“Oh. Sure, bathroom is through to your right. Help yourself to shampoo, what ever you need. Towels are fresh so just use whatever’s in there.”

I’m halfway to the bathroom before she has finished talking.

* * * *

I don’t know how long I spent under the shower, guessing I’d say almost half an hour. Once I’m dry I look at my clothes piled on the floor, I really don’t want to put them back on.

After debating with myself I decide to put on the white bathrobe hanging on the back of the bathroom door.

I find her leaning against the kitchen counter deep in thought. She has that focused look she gets when she is trying to figure something out.

God she is sexy.

I’ll never understand why she can’t see how beautiful she is. She is oblivious to the affect she has on men and more than just a few women. I’ve even caught Sofia checking her out on more than one occasion.

Looking over at me when she hears me move through the apartment she doesn’t acknowledge my choice of attire. Pushing off the counter with her hip she comes to stand in front of me.

“What’s going on Cath?”

The gentle tone of voice filled with concern is my undoing. I don’t even attempt to stop the tears as they fall. I’m lost in those pools of brown that have always had me hypnotised.

“I can’t do this anymore.”

The next thing I know I’m being pulled forward and hugged to her body. I simply wrap my arms around her and cry on her shoulder.

We stand there in the middle of her living room embracing long after I stop crying. She has started to rub my back and whisper words of comfort. Without realising what I am doing I brush my lips against her neck.

Her body tenses for a moment before she moves her head back enough so she can look at me. Before I can say anything she cups one of my cheeks with her hand, gently brushing her thumb over my lips.

Gazing into her eyes I can see a battle going on inside her. I feel an almost overwhelming joy spread through me as I see desire and what I hope is love in her eyes. At the same time I can tell she is unsure of what to do about it.

Deciding to help her along in her thoughts I turn my face to the side and kiss the palm of her hand.

That seems to do the trick as she ever so slowly moves to kiss me. The moment her lips touch mine I know this is right.

This is the place I was always meant to be.

This is the person I was always meant to be with.

That first gentle kiss soon escalates and in no time at all we are involved in a full blown make out session.

We finally break apart to catch our breaths.

Grabbing her hands I guide them to the sash holding my robe together.

Her eyes go wide as the realisation of what I want hits her. She’s too cute for words sometimes.

I decide to let her off the hook.

“Baby, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want ok.”

She looks up from her hands to meet my gaze.

“It’s just I’m not good at this stuff. I do want to be with you. I just don’t want to mess this up.”

It looks like she wants to go slow. I’ve never done slow before but Sara basically just said that she wants to be with me for more than just sex so I’m sure as hell going to do slow.

Hell if it means I get to be with the woman I love I’d even say yes to Lindsay being our chaperone on our dates.

“Sara it’s ok. We don’t have to do anything now. All I want is to curl up in bed next to you and sleep.”

The full blown smile that slowly spreads across her face is enough to make me want to dance for joy.

As she takes my hand and leads me towards her bedroom I decide that one day I will do a dance of another kind, just for her.

* * * *

I find myself developing a pattern.

I work hard.

When I go home I spend as much time as I can with the ones I love.

My daughter Lindsay.

And my lover Sara Sidle.

The End.