
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

This one time at Supanova Brisbane....

So I was going to write a detailed review of my adventures at Supanova Brisbane, but then the lazy side of me won out and I did this instead....

I thought the event was well organised and the volunteers were great.

I do think however, that it was ridiculous that we weren't allowed to take photographs in the signing area or video tape during the panels. What was with that?

Anyway despite that, I had the best time. Seriously, there aren't enough good adjectives that I could use to adequately describe how good it was.

I got to hang out with a very good friend of mine for the weekend, plus I got to meet up with some of my wonderful online friends who are such lovely people. It was also great chatting to other fans, sharing our experiences.

The best bit by far though, was meeting two of my favourite people - Lena Headey and Zoie Palmer.

Lena and Zoie were both so lovely. Friendly, down to earth women who were so incredibly funny. 

Plus, if you take how beautiful they are on screen and multiply that by at least 100, you'll get an understanding of just how stunningly beautiful they both are in person.

I was very proud of the fact that I didn't make an idiot of myself, well not too big of an idiot. Although I did make Lena laugh when we had our photo taken.

The thing that surprised me the most was how nervous I was meeting Zoie. I'd never been like that meeting anyone, I basically fangirled hard. But Zoie was lovely, gave me a great big hug which I'm sure you'll all agree, makes everything better! 

Meeting Lena and Zoie far exceeded my expectations and cemented my support and appreciation of them both - fan for life.

All I need to know now is, when's the next one??

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