
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Question about my Lost Girl story Destiny?

I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read my Lost Girl story Destiny. An even bigger thank you to everyone for your feedback and comments on the story, I really appreciate them all.

I thought I'd answer the most often asked question that you guys ask me - will there be a sequel?

The short answer is no, I don't have any plans to write a sequel - in the immediate future.

The long answer is, basically real life has been kicking my ass lately. While I have a whole bunch of ideas, my writing has taken a back seat.

Gladly though things are starting to settle down and I hope to be writing a whole lot more soon.

As I said I have a whole bunch of ideas, but none of them really fit as a sequel and I've decided to work on the ideas I have to see where they lead.

While I have no plans to write a sequel, I'll never say never because you never know what's going to pop into my head - the right idea might come along and hey presto....but don't hold your breath!!

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